About the Sample Address Book Provider

About the Sample Address Book Provider

Address book providers handle access to directory information. Directory information consists of data for two types of message recipients: individual messaging users, and groups of messaging users. Groups of messaging users who are commonly addressed together are called distribution lists. Depending on the type of recipient and the address book provider, there is a wide range of information that can be made available. For example, all address book providers store a recipient's name, address, and address type.

Each address book provider organizes this data using one or more containers. The number and structure of the containers is dependent on the address book provider's implementation. For example, one address book provider might use a single container to hold all of the information, another might use one top-level container that holds subcontainers, a third might use several top-level containers, each holding subcontainers. An address book container hierarchy can be deep; there is no limit to the number of subcontainers that can be used.

MAPI integrates all the information supplied by the installed address book providers into a single address book, presenting a unified view to the client application. The integrated list shows the top-level containers displayed by each of the installed address book providers. Most address book providers expose only a few containers (typically one to three) at the top level for inclusion in the top level of the MAPI integrated address book.

The Sample Address Book Provider

The Sample Address Book Provider implements a basic address book provider that can be used as a starting point for further customization. The Sample Address Book Provider implements the required features of an address book provider, as well as more advanced features such as name resolution. For more information about the required features of an address book provider, see Required Features for Address Book Providers. The Sample Address Book Provider supports one address book container.

In This Section

Installing the Sample Address Book Provider

Explains how to download and install the Sample Address Book Provider.

Initializing an Address Book Provider

The first step in implementing an address book provider is initializing the address book provider so that MAPI can log on to the address book provider.

Accessing an Address Book Provider

After the address book provider is initialized, you can access resources in the address book provider and register to receive notifications when there is a change in the address book provider.

Using an Address Book Container

Explains how to access the address book container and implement more advanced features such as name resolution.

Shutting Down an Address Book Provider

Explains how to implement functions to properly log off and shut down the address book provider.