GetThemeBool function (uxtheme.h)

Retrieves the value of a BOOL property from the SysMetrics section of theme data.


HRESULT GetThemeBool(
  [in]  HTHEME hTheme,
  [in]  int    iPartId,
  [in]  int    iStateId,
  [in]  int    iPropId,
  [out] BOOL   *pfVal


[in] hTheme


Handle to a window's specified theme data. Use OpenThemeData to create an HTHEME.

[in] iPartId

Type: int

Value of type int that specifies the part containing the BOOL property. See Parts and States.

[in] iStateId

Type: int

Value of type int that specifies the state of the part. See Parts and States.

[in] iPropId

Type: int

Value of type int that specifies the property to retrieve. May be one of the following values.

Value Meaning
TRUE if the image associated with the part and state have transparent areas. See GetThemeColor for the definition of the TMT_TRANSPARENTCOLOR value that defines the transparent color.
TRUE if the nonclient caption area associated with the part and state vary with text width.
TRUE if the image associated with the part and state should only have its border drawn.
TRUE if the control associated with the part and state will handle its own compositing of images.
TRUE if true-sized images associated with this part and state are to be drawn on the background fill.
TRUE if the glyph associated with this part and state have transparent areas. See GetThemeColor for the definition of the TMT_GLYPHCOLOR value that defines the transparent color.
TRUE if the glyph associated with this part and state should be drawn without a background.
TRUE if the sizing bar associated with this part and state should always be shown.
TRUE if the image associated with this part and state should be flipped if the window is being viewed in right-to-left reading mode.
TRUE if the image associated with this part and state must have equal height and width.
TRUE if the truesize image or border associated with this part and state must be sized to a factor of 2.
TRUE if the image associated with this part and state will scale larger in size if necessary.
TRUE if the image associated with this part and state will scale smaller in size if necessary.
TRUE if the image associated with this part and state is based on the current user.

[out] pfVal

Type: BOOL*

Pointer to a BOOL that receives the retrieved property value.

Return value


If this function succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header uxtheme.h
Library UxTheme.lib
DLL UxTheme.dll

See also

Property Identifiers