Unified Communications Managed API version 1.0 SDK

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The Unified Communications Managed API version 1.0 SDK is a multi-threaded platform written in C# that runs on Microsoft Windows Server 2003. The platform provides a .NET compliant object model for the most common SIP (RFC 3261) scenarios. Its advanced connection management is designed to efficiently take advantage of a server hardware environment with multiple processors and achieve high-performance server-to-server SIP communications. It also enables a secure communication model by supporting TLS (Transport Layer Security) negotiation with client authentication or Mutual TLS when allowing authorized remote computers to connect back to the local computer where the application is running.

Adding the application server to the list of hosts authorized by Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 also enables an application to benefit from two important features:

  • Server Throttling increases the number of outstanding application SIP requests that are accepted by Microsoft Office Communications Server.
  • Treat Users as Authenticated establishes a trusted link between Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 and the application. SIP requests sent over a trusted link are not challenged by Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007.

In This Section


Unified Communications Managed API version 1.0 Architecture

Unified Communications Managed API version 1.0 Object Model

Unified Communications Managed API version 1.0 Exception Model

Unified Communications Managed API version 1.0 Threading Model

Overview of the SDP Parser

Overview of the SIP URI Parser

See Also


Development Guide for Unified Communications Managed API version 1.0