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ConnectionDroppedReason enumeration

Communications Server 2007 Server SDK Documentation


The ConnectionDroppedReason enumeration defines a set of possible reasons for a dropped connection between the application and Office Communications Server.

public enum ConnectionDroppedReason


Member Description
ApplicationDisabled The application was disabled by the administrator, or by Office Communications Server because too many message processing errors (more than 10) were encountered.
ApplicationDisconnected The application disconnected from Office Communications Server.
ApplicationReconnectTimeout The application timed out while attempting to reconnect to Office Communications Server.
ServerAgentDisposed The application called Dispose() on the application's ServerAgent object.
ServerShutdown The server was shutdown externally.
ServerTerminated The server terminated unexpectedly.


Redistributable: Requires Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007.
Namespace: Microsoft.Rtc.Sip
Assembly: ServerAgent (in ServerAgent.dll)

See Also

ConnectionDroppedEventArgs, ServerAgent.ConnectionDropped

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