MSFT_SIPDiagnosticTracingSetting class

Communications Server 2007 Server SDK Documentation


Used to dynamically query, start, or stop tracing for a component.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties. Properties are listed in alphabetic order, not MOF order.

class MSFT_SIPDiagnosticTracingSetting
  uint32 EnableFlags;
  uint32 EnableLevel;
  boolean EnableTracing;
  [key] string InstanceID;
  string Name;
  string[] SessionProperties;


This class does not define any methods.


The MSFT_SIPDiagnosticTracingSetting class has the following properties.

  • EnableFlags
    Data type: uint32

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. A bit mask that specifies the flag(s) that are enabled for tracing.

    The value is a 32-bit bit mask. The following table indicates the bit values and their corresponding trace flags.

    Bit Value Flag Description
    0x00000001 TF_COMPONENT Enables logging for the specified component.
    0x00000002 TF_PROTOCOL Protocol Messages such as SIP and CCCP messages.
    0x00000004 TF_CONNECTION Connection related log entries. These logs include information on connections established to and from a particular component. This may also include significant network-level information (for components without the concept of a connection).
    0x00000008 TF_SECURITY All events or log entries related to security. For example for SipStack, these are security events such as domain validation failure, and client authentication or authorization failures.
    0x00000010 TF_DIAG Diagnostics events that can be used to diagnose or troubleshoot the component. For example: for SipStack, these are certificate failures, or DNS warnings or errors.
    0x00000020 TF_AUTH Authorization events.
    0x00000040 TF_PARSE Parsing events.
    0x00000080 TF_NETWORK Network events.
    0x00000100 TF_STACKTRACE Stack trace events.
    0x00000200 TF_XMLSERIALIZER XML serialization events.
    0x00000400 TF_RTCHTTP Office Communications Server traffic HTTP events.
    0x00000800 TF_USERREP User Replicator events.
    0x00000FFF All Flags Detailed traces that can be used by Microsoft Customer Service and Support to help troubleshoot a problem.


  • EnableLevel
    Data type: uint32

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. Specifies the level of logging that is enabled. Effective only for components that honor levels. Each successive level is inclusive of preceding levels.

    Value Description
    1 Log fatal errors.
    2 Log errors.
    3 Log warnings.
    4 Log information.
    5 Verbose logging.
    6 Log all.

    The default value is 4.

  • EnableTracing
    Data type: boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. Stops and starts tracing.

    Set to true to start tracing. Set to false to stop tracing.

    The default value is false.

  • InstanceID
    Data type: [key] string

    Access type: Read-only. A GUID value that uniquely identifies an instance of this class.

    The GUID must be encapsulated between the "{" and "}" braces; for example: "{01234567-0123-4567-89AB-CDEF01234567}".

  • Name
    Data type: string

    Access type: Read-only

    Required. Specifies the name of the component for which this instance controls tracing.

    See the Logging Components table in the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Administration Guide for a list of component names.

  • SessionProperties
    Data type: string[]

    Access type: Read/Write

    Optional. An array specifying session properties.

    Each entry in the array is a string in the form NAME=VALUE, where NAME can be one of the following property names.

    Property Name Description
    BufferSize Buffer size in kilobytes.
    MinimumBuffers The minimum number of buffers.
    MaximumBuffers The maximum number of buffers.
    MaximumFileSize The maximum size in megabytes for all individual log files.
    LogFileMode Log file creation mode (sequential, circular, new file).
    FlushTimer The number of seconds after which to flush the timer.
    TraceClock The resolution of the time stamp.
    LogFileName The name of the log file.
    NumberOfBuffers The number of buffers.
    FreeBuffers The number of buffers to keep free.
    EventsLost The number of events lost.
    LogBuffersLost The number of log buffers lost.

    Property names are not case-sensitive.


This class gets and sets information at the following level(s): WMI.

Instances of this class support the following interface methods:

  • Provider::EnumerateInstances();
  • Provider::GetObject();


Server: Installed on computers serving the following role(s): Administrative Tools Server, Archiving and Call Detail Records Server, Audio/Video Conferencing Server, all types of Edge Server, Front End Server, Mediation Server, Proxy Server, Web Components Server, Web Conferencing Server.
Namespace: Defined in \root\cimv2.

See Also

Communications Server WMI Reference

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