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ITask::put_Runtime method

Sets the run-time limit for the task.


HRESULT put_Runtime(
  [in] BSTR Val


  • Val [in]
    The run-time limit for the task. The value can be "Infinite" or a string in the format dd:hh:mm where dd is the number of days, hh is the number of hours, and mm is the number of minutes. You must provide leading zeros; for example, to specify a run time of one minute, use the string "00:00:01". The default is "Infinite".

Return value

If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK. Otherwise, the return value is an error code.


The wall clock is used to determine the run time. The time is your best guess of how long the task will take; however, it needs to be fairly accurate because it is used to allocate resources. If the task exceeds this time, the task is terminated and its status becomes TaskStatus_Failed.

If the task's run-time value is greater than the job's run-time value, then the task will run until it exceeds the job's run-time value. If this occurs, the task is terminated and its status becomes TaskStatus_Failed.



Compute Cluster Pack Client Utilities

Type library


See also


