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Revoking Permissions Granted to a Site

Once you instruct Windows Live to give a website access to one of your Windows Live services that website will have access to your information, even when you are not logged in. If you no longer want a website to have access to your Windows Live information, you have to revoke the permissions granted to the website.

This document describes the steps to revoke the permissions given to a website.

The Windows Live Revocation Page

If you want to revoke permissions previously granted to a website or see a list of websites and the permissions granted to them, you have to visit the Windows Live revocation page at

Revoking Permissions Granted to a Site

  1. Go to the Windows Live revocation page at
  2. Sign in to Windows Live ID using the same Windows Live account you used for granting permissions to the website.
  3. Select the check boxes next to the websites and permissions you want to revoke and click Revoke.
  4. The revocation page will refresh and show an updated list of sites and permissions. The sites and permissions revoked should not be listed anymore.