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IsUndoingOrRedoing Property [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Determines whether the current event handler is being called as a result of an Undo or Redo action in the application.

boolRet = object**.IsUndoingOrRedoing**

boolRet     Required Boolean. True (-1) if the application is firing events related to an Undo or Redo action; otherwise, False (0).

object     Required. An expression that returns an Application object.

Version added



The IsUndoingOrRedoing property returns True when the application is firing events related to an Undo or Redo action that the user has initiated in the user interface, or that an Automation client has initiated by calling the Undo or Redo method of an Application object.

When the application calls an event handler, the event has a "cause." If that cause is a user action or another event handler, it is legitimate to perform undoable actions during the course of handling that event. However, if the cause of the event firing is an Undo or Redo action, the event handler should not perform undoable actions. Doing so eliminates the ability to redo an action.

You will typically only perform undoable actions inside an event handler when this property is False. You can perform undoable actions when the flag is True, but the redo queue is destroyed.


This example adds a shape to a drawing and then checks whether the shape has been added as a result of an Undo or Redo action.

Public Sub IsUndoingOrRedoing_Example()

Dim vsoShape As Visio.Shape

    'Draw a shape to trigger the ShapeAdded event
    Set vsoShape = ActivePage.DrawRectangle(1,2,2,1)

End Sub

Sub Document_ShapeAdded(ByVal Shape As IVShape)
    If Not Application.IsUndoingOrRedoing Then

        Debug.Print "Shape was added by new action." 
    End If  

End Sub

Applies to | Application object | InvisibleApp object

See Also | AddUndoUnit method | BeginUndoScope method | EndUndoScope method | EnterScope event | ExitScope event | IsInScope property | Redo method | Undo method