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InhibitSelectChange Property [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Determines whether shapes added to the drawing page by Automation are selected.

boolRet = object**.InhibitSelectChange**

object**.InhibitSelectChange** = boolExpression

boolRet     Boolean. True if shapes created by Automation are not selected on drop; otherwise, False.

object     Required. An expression that returns an Application or InvisibleApp object.

boolExpression     Required Boolean. True to disable shape selection upon drop; False to enable shape selection on drop.

Version added



Use the InhibitSelectChange property to control shape selection and increase performance when dropping a series of shapes in the drawing window programmatically. When the InhibitSelectChange property is True, Microsoft Office Visio 2003 does not select any shapes after they are dropped. Your solution, however, can select shapes.

Additionally, Microsoft Office Visio attempts to preserve currently selected shapes whenever possible, unless shapes are deselected by the solution.

If a program neglects to turn the InhibitSelectChange property off (False) after turning it on, the Visio instance will turn it back off when the user performs an operation.

Applies to | Application object | InvisibleApp object