WinRM Client Shell API

[This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]

The Windows Remote Management (WinRM) Client Shell API provides a way to programmatically interact with a command shell running on a remote computer. It provides an interface to the Remote Shell Web Services Protocol, which is an extension of the WS-Management Protocol.

Note  The WS-Management protocol document is large (1.92MB).

The following table lists tasks for this function.

Task Function
Create a shell that starts a shell process on a remote computer WSManCreateShell
Pipe commands and input streams to the shell WSManSendShellInput
Collect the output stream from the shell WSManReceiveShellOutput
Close the shell WSManCloseShell

The remote shell process creation is encapsulated by the shell processor logic on the server side. The client of the API and the remote shell process should use some protocol to start the execution of commands and to pass arguments and input streams to commands. The commands, associated arguments and input streams, are transparent to the API implementation and handled as stream data. The stream data is passed directly to the standard input stream of the remote shell process.

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Build date: 10/1/2007