What's New in the Map Control?
You are not viewing the latest version of the AJAX control. Bing Maps AJAX V7 is the recommended JavaScript control for Bing Maps. If you need this documentation, it is available in as a CHM or PDF download.
Welcome to the latest release of the Bing Maps AJAX Control 6.3. This is an overview of the new features in this release. For a detailed list of API changes, see the Version Changelist topic.
You can find information about the latest updates to the newest Bing Maps AJAX Control, Version 7.0, in the Version 7.0 SDK.
This release of the map control includes the following new features:
Core functionality version of the map control. The Bing Maps AJAX Control 6.3 is now available in both full functionality and core functionality versions. If you do not need enhanced map features, you can improve the performance of your application by using the core version of the latest map control. See the Using the Core Map Control topic for more information. Geocoding and search capabilities are available from the Bing Maps REST Web Services, which you can use in conjunction with the core map control as described in the Using the REST Services with the Core Map Control topic.
New Search and Geocode methods. The new VEMap.Search Method and the VEMap.Geocode Method provide an easier way to return the most accurate search results.
Drag-able pushpins With the latest version of the Bing Maps AJAX Control 6.3, your pushpins become drag-able by simply setting the VEShape.Draggable Property of the pushpin to true.
New map options. The color of the map dashboard, or navigation control, can now be changed to black using the VEMapOptions.DashboardColor Property. In addition, give your users easy access to search functionality by enabling the BingTM hovering search logo using the VEMapOptions.EnableSearchLogo Property and VEMapOptions.EnableClickableLogo Property.
New enhanced road map style. Bing Maps introduced a new enhanced road map style, which is in use on https://www.bing.com/maps. This style is designed to improve readability and interaction for imagery with data overlays. On July 6, 2011, this new enhanced road map style became the default and only road style available for all Bing Maps APIs.