PFN_WdsTransportClientSessionComplete callback function (wdstci.h)

The PFN_WdsTransportClientSessionCompete callback is used by the client to indicate that no more callbacks will be sent to the consumer and that the session either completed successfully or encountered a non-recoverable error.


PFN_WdsTransportClientSessionComplete PfnWdstransportclientsessioncomplete;

void PfnWdstransportclientsessioncomplete(
  [in] HANDLE hSessionKey,
  [in] PVOID pCallerData,
  [in] DWORD dwError


[in] hSessionKey

The handle belonging to the session that is being started.

[in] pCallerData

Pointer to the caller specific data for this session. This data was specified in the call to WdsTransportClientStartSession function.

[in] dwError

The overall status of the file transfer. If the session succeeded, this value will be set to ERROR_SUCCESS. If the session did not succeed, the error code for the session will be set.

Return value



This will be the last callback a consumer receives. The consumer will always receive this callback, even if the session is canceled.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista with SP1 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wdstci.h