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Using the Forms Tool UIDelegate

You can access Groove services using theIGrooveFormsToolUIDelegate Interface with the following methods:

  • AppendLinksToRichTextField—adds links to Forms Tool records using URLs returned by a lookup.

  • ClearStatusBarMessage—clears the text in the status bar of the Forms Tool.

  • CreateLinkObject—creates a link for an instant message. The link can be to the Forms Tool or to a specific view or record.

  • CreateLinkObjectEnum—creates an enumeration of Link objects for use in SendInstantMessageWithLinks.

  • CreateMemberNameEnum—creates a string enumeration containing the names of the space members.

  • CreateMemberNameURLEnum—creates an enumeration of pairs of strings containing the name and IdentityURLs of the workspace members.

  • DisplayDatePickerDialog—displays a date picker dialog and returns the raw date.

  • DisplayError—displays an error message box to the user.

  • DisplayOKMessageBox—displays an informational message box.

  • DisplayStatusBarMessage—displays a message in the status bar of the Forms Tool.

  • DisplayTextInputDialog—displays a dialog box and accepts user response.

  • FormatDate—formats a raw date as stored in a record for display in a form.

  • FormatDateTime—formats a raw date as stored in a record for display as a date with time.

  • FormatNumber—formats a number for display in a form.

  • NavigateToForm—displays the specified form and record to the user.

  • NavigateToView—displays the specified view to the user.

  • OpenAuthorNameFromRecord—returns the name of the member who created the record.

  • OpenFormIDByAlias—returns the FormID for use in NavigateToForm using the alias defined in the Forms Options menu.

  • OpenModifierNameFromRecord—returns the name of the member who last modified the record.

  • OpenTransaction—creates a workspace transaction that grants you safe access to the record data.

  • OpenViewIDByAlias—returns the ViewID for use in NavigateToView using the Alias defined in the View Options menu.

  • ParseDate—parses the text representation of a date and converts it to a raw date.

  • ParseDateTime—parses the text representation of a date with time and converts it to a raw date.

  • ParseNumber—parses the text representation of a number and converts it to a raw number.

  • SaveCurrentFormData—updates the record with the current form data.

  • SendInstantMessage—sends the specified message to the list of member IdentityURLs.

  • SendInstantMessageWithLinks—sends the specified message with links to the list of member IdentityURLs.

Note that the Forms Tool UIDelegate also has the following methods to perform lookups:

  • LookupValuesByStringForFormScript

  • LookupValuesByStringForMacro

  • LookupValuesWithURLsByStringForFormScript

  • LookupValuesWithURLsByStringForMacro.

You should not reference these methods directly, but should paste this code into the script after creating the lookup with the Forms Tool Designer.

You can also use the Forms Tool UIDelegate to access the following read-only properties:

  • CurrentAuthorName—returns the member name of the current user.

  • CurrentAuthorURL—returns the URL of the current user.

  • CurrentRole—returns the role of the current user.

  • TelespaceDisplayName—returns the display name of the workspace.

  • ToolDisplayName—returns the display name of the Forms Tool.

See Also


IGrooveFormsToolUIDelegate Interface


Accessing Groove Services