OpenFormIDByAlias Method

The OpenFormIDByAlias method returns the ID of the form with the specified form alias.




i_Alias As String,

i_NameFallback As Boolean = False

) As Number


Parameter Description


Alias of the form to find.


TRUE to use the form name if not found by alias; FALSE otherwise.

Return Value

The return value contains the ID of the form.


If the i_NameFallback parameter has a TRUE value and the specified alias cannot be found, the method attempts to find a form with a display name equal to the i_Alias parameter value.

If you are developing scripts or macros that use the OpenFormIDByAlias method, you should define the specified name as an alias for the form. Although you can use the display name of the form, the method will not work if the display name is changed. If a Forms tool is being modified to work with different locales, the display name may be changed, but the alias should be unchanged.

You can compare the form ID value stored in the record's Forms_Tool_grooveFormID field with the value returned by OpenFormIDByAlias to determine if the record is associated with the form that has the specified alias.

See Also


IGrooveFormsToolUIDelegate Interface
OpenViewIDByAlias Method