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Windows Media Video 9.1 Image Codec

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The Windows Media Video 9.1 Image encoder object is instantiated using the class identifier CLSID_CWMV9EncMediaObject. The decoder object is instantiated using the class identifier CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject. The FOURCC for Windows Media Video 9.1 Image encoded content is "WMVP" and the FOURCC for Windows Media Video 9.1 v2 is "WVP2".

Encoder Properties

The following properties can be set on the Windows Media Video 9.1 Image encoder.

Property Description
MFPKEY_ASFOVERHEADPERFRAME Specifies the overhead, in bytes per packet, required for the container used to store the compressed content.
MFPKEY_DECODERCOMPLEXITYPROFILE Specifies the device conformance template to which the encoded content conforms.
MFPKEY_FOURCC Specifies the FOURCC identifying the encoder you want to use.
MFPKEY_KEYDIST Specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, between key frames in the codec output.
MFPKEY_PASSESRECOMMENDED Specifies the maximum number of passes supported by the codec.
MFPKEY_PASSESUSED Specifies the number of passes that the codec will use to encode the content.
MFPKEY_TOTALFRAMES Specifies the number of video frames passed to the codec.
MFPKEY_VBRENABLED Specifies whether the codec will use variable-bit-rate (VBR) encoding.


Client: Requires Windows Vista or Windows XP.

Header: Include wmcodecdsp.h.

Library: Use wmvencod.dll for the encoder or wmvdecod.dll for the decoder.

See Also