How to: Add "(All)" to a Combo Box or List Box

Access Developer Reference

When you use a list box or combo box to enter selection criteria, you might want to be able to specify all records. The AddAllToList procedure illustrates how to add an (All) entry at the top of a combo box.

To utilize the AddAllToList procedure, you must set the RowSourceType property of the combo box or list box to AddAllToList.

You can specify a different item than (All) to add to the list by setting the Tag property of the combo box or list box. For example, you can add <None> to the top of the list by setting the value of the Tag property to 1;<None>.

  Function AddAllToList(ctl As Control, lngID As Long, lngRow As Long, _
		lngCol As Long, intCode As Integer) As Variant
	Static dbs As Database, rst As Recordset
	Static lngDisplayID As Long
	Static intDisplayCol As Integer
	Static strDisplayText As String
	Dim intSemiColon As Integer

On Error GoTo Err_AddAllToList
	Select Case intCode
		Case acLBInitialize
			' See if function is already in use.
			If lngDisplayID &lt;&gt; 0 Then
				MsgBox "AddAllToList is already in use by another control!"
				AddAllToList = False

Exit Function End If

			' Parse the display column and display text from Tag property.
			intDisplayCol = 1
			strDisplayText = "(All)"
			If Not IsNull(ctl.Tag) Then
				intSemiColon = InStr(ctl.Tag, ";")
				If intSemiColon = 0 Then
					intDisplayCol = Val(ctl.Tag)
					intDisplayCol = Val(Left(ctl.Tag, intSemiColon - 1))
					strDisplayText = Mid(ctl.Tag, intSemiColon + 1)

End If End If

			' Open the recordset defined in the RowSource property.
			Set dbs = CurrentDb
			Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(ctl.RowSource, dbOpenSnapshot)

			' Record and return the lngID for this function.
			lngDisplayID = Timer
			AddAllToList = lngDisplayID

		Case acLBOpen
			AddAllToList = lngDisplayID

		Case acLBGetRowCount
			' Return number of rows in recordset.
			On Error Resume Next

rst.MoveLast AddAllToList = rst.RecordCount + 1

		Case acLBGetColumnCount
			' Return number of fields (columns) in recordset.
			AddAllToList = rst.Fields.Count

		Case acLBGetColumnWidth
			AddAllToList = -1

		Case acLBGetValue
			If lngRow = 0 Then
				If lngCol = intDisplayCol - 1 Then
					AddAllToList = strDisplayText
					AddAllToList = Null
				End If

rst.MoveFirst rst.Move lngRow - 1 AddAllToList = rst(lngCol) End If Case acLBEnd lngDisplayID = 0 rst.Close End Select

Bye_AddAllToList: Exit Function

Err_AddAllToList: MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "AddAllToList" AddAllToList = False Resume Bye_AddAllToList End Function