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ColorFormat Object Members

PowerPoint Developer Reference

Represents the color of a one-color object, the foreground or background color of an object with a gradient or patterned fill, or the pointer color. You can set colors to an explicit red-green-blue value (by using the RGB property) or to a color in the color scheme (by using the SchemeColor property).


  Name Description,office.12).gif Application Returns an Application object that represents the creator of the specified object.,office.12).gif Creator Returns a Long that represents the four-character creator code for the application in which the specified object was created. For example, if the object was created in Microsoft Office PowerPoint, this property returns the hexadecimal number 50575054. Read-only.,office.12).gif ObjectThemeColor Returns or sets the theme color of the specified ColorFormat object. Read/write.,office.12).gif Parent Returns the parent object for the specified object.,office.12).gif RGB Returns or sets the red-green-blue (RGB) value of the specified color. Read/write.,office.12).gif SchemeColor Returns or sets the color in the applied color scheme that's associated with the specified object. Read/write.,office.12).gif TintAndShade Sets or returns the lightening or darkening of the the color of a specified shape. Read/write.,office.12).gif Type Represents the type of color. Read-only.