New Members and Constants

Word Developer Reference

New Members

The following properties, methods, and events have been added to existing objects in Microsoft Office Word 2007.


Properties Description
ShowStylePreviews Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether Microsoft Office Word shows a preview of the formatting for styles in the Styles dialog box. Read/write.
ActiveEncryptionSession Returns a Long that represents the encryption session associated with the active document. Read-only.
Assistance Returns an Assistance object that represents the Microsoft Office Help Viewer. Read-only.
Bibliography Returns a Bibliography object that represents the bibliography references sources stored in Microsoft Office Word. Read-only.
DisplayDocumentInformationPanel Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether the document properties panel is displayed. Read/write.
DontResetInsertionPointProperties Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether Microsoft Office Word maintains the formatting properties of the text at that position of the Insertion Point after running other code. Read/write.
RestrictLinkedStyles Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether Microsoft Office Word allows linked styles. Read/write.
OMathAutoCorrect Returns an OMathAutoCorrect object that represents the auto correct entries for equations. Read-only.
OpenAttachmentsInFullScreen Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether Microsoft Office Word opens e-mail attachments in Reading mode. Read/write.
Methods Description
CompareDocuments Compares two documents and returns a Document object that represents the document that contains the differences between the two documents, marked using tracked changes.
LoadMasterList Loads a bibliography source file.
MergeDocuments Compares two documents and returns a Document object that represents the document that contains the differences between the two documents, marked using tracked changes.
Events Description
MailMergeDataSourceValidate2 Occurs when a user validates mail merge recipients by clicking the Validate addresses link button in the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box.


Properties Description
ObjectThemeColor Returns or sets a WdThemeColorIndex constant that represents the theme color for a color format. Read/write.


Properties Description
CommandBarId Returns a Long that represents the toolbar control id for a built-in Microsoft Office Word dialog box. Read-only.


Properties Description
Bibliography Returns a Bibliography object that represents the bibliography references contained within a document. Read-only.
CustomXMLParts Returns a CustomXMLParts collection that represents the custom XML in the XML data store. Read-only.
ContentControls Returns a ContentControls collection that represents all the content controls in a document. Read-only.
ContentTypeProperties Returns a MetaProperties collection that represents the metadata stored in a document, such as author name, subject, and company. Read-only.
CurrentRsid Returns a Long that represents a random number that Word assigns to changes in a document. Read-only.
DocumentInspectors Returns a DocumentInspectors collection that enables you to locate hidden personal information, such as author name, company name, and revision date. Read-only.
DocumentTheme Returns an OfficeTheme object that represents the Microsoft Office theme applied to a document. Read-only.
EncryptionProvider Returns a String specifying the name of the algorithm encryption provider that Microsoft Office Word uses when encrypting documents. Read/write.
Final Returns or sets a Boolean that indicates whether a document is final. Read/write.
FormattingShowNextLevel Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether Microsoft Office Word shows the next heading level when the previous heading level is used. Read/write.
FormattingShowUserStyleName Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to show user-defined styles. Read/write.
HasVBProject Returns a Boolean that represents whether a document has an attached Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications project. Read-only.
LockQuickStyleSet Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether users can change which set of Quick Styles is being used. Read/write.
LockTheme Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether a user can change a document theme. Read/write.
OMathBreakBin Returns or sets a WdOMathBreakBin constant that represents where Microsoft Office Word places binary operators when equations span two or more lines. Read/write.
OMathBreakSub Returns or sets a WdOMathBreakSub constant that represents how Microsoft Office Word handles a subtraction operator that falls before a line break. Read/write.
OMathFontName Returns or sets a String that represents the name of the font used in a document to display equations. Read/write.
OMathIntSubSupLim Returns or sets a Boolean that represents the default location of limits for integrals. Read/write.
OMathJc Returns or sets a WdOMathJc constant that represents the default justification—left, right, centered, or centered as a group—of a group of equations. Read/write.
OMathLeftMargin Returns or sets a Single that represents the left margin for equations. Read/write.
OMathNarySupSubLim Returns or sets a Boolean that represents the default location of limits for n-ary objects other than integrals. Read/write.
OMathRightMargin Returns or sets a Single that represents the right margin for equations. Read/write.
OMaths Returns an OMaths collection that represents the OMath objects within the specified range. Read-only.
OMathSmallFrac Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to use small fractions in equations contained within the document. Read/write.
OMathWrap Returns or sets a Single that represents the placement of the second line of an equation that wraps to a new line. Read/write.
OriginalDocumentTitle Returns a String that represents the document title for the original document after running a legal-blackline document compare function. Read-only.
Research Returns a Research object that represents the research service for a document. Read-only.
RevisedDocumentTitle Returns a String that represents the document title for a revised document after running a legal-blackline document compare function. Read-only.
ServerPolicy Returns a ServerPolicy object that represents a policy specified for a document stored on a server running Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. Read-only.
StyleSortMethod Returns or sets aWdStyleSort constant that represents the sort method to use when sorting styles in the Styles task pane. Read/write.
TrackFormatting Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to track formatting changes when change tracking is turned on. Read/write.
TrackMoves Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to mark moved text when Track Changes is turned on. Read/write.
UseMathDefaults Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to use the default math settings when creating new equations. Read/write.
WordOpenXML Returns a String that represents the flat XML format for the Word Open XML contents of the document. Read-only.
Methods Description
ApplyDocumentTheme Applies a document theme to a document.
ApplyQuickStyleSet Changes the set of quick styles listed.
Convert Converts file to the newest file format and enables all new features.
DowngradeDocument Downgrades a document to the Word 97-2003 document format so that it can be edited in a previous version of Microsoft Office Word.
ExportAsFixedFormat Saves a document as PDF or XPS format.
FreezeLayout In Web view, fixes the layout of the document as it currently appears so that line breaks remain fixed and ink annotations do not move when you resize the window.
GetWorkflowTasks Returns a WorkflowTasks collection that represents the workflow tasks assigned to a document.
GetWorkflowTemplates Returns a WorkflowTemplates collection that represents the workflow templates attached to a document.
LockServerFile Locks the file on the server preventing anyone else from editing it.
RemoveDocumentInformation Removes sensitive information, properties, comments, and other metadata from a document.
SaveAsQuickStyleSet Saves the group of quick styles currently in use.
SelectContentControlsByTag Returns a ContentControls collection that represents all the content controls in a document with the tag value specified in the Tag parameter. Read-only.
SelectContentControlsByTitle Returns a ContentControls collection that represents all the content controls in a document with the title specified in the Title parameter. Read-only.
SelectLinkedControls Returns a ContentControls collection that represents all content controls in a document that are linked to the specific custom XML node in the document's XML data store as specified by the Node parameter. Read-only.
SelectUnlinkedControls Returns a ContentControls collection that represents all content controls in a document that are not linked to an XML node in the document's XML data store. Read-only.
Events Description
BuildingBlockInsert Occurs when you insert a building block into a document.
ContentControlAfterAdd Occurs after adding a content control to a document.
ContentControlBeforeContentUpdate Occurs before updating the content in a content control, only when the content comes from the Office XML data store.
ContentControlBeforeDelete Occurs before removing a content control from a document.
ContentControlBeforeStoreUpdate Occurs before updating the document's XML data store with the value of a content control.
ContentControlOnEnter Occurs when a user enters a content control.
ContentControlOnExit Occurs when a user leaves a content control.


Methods Description
AddBlogDocument Returns a Document object that represents a new blog document that Microsoft Office Word publishes to the account described by the first three parameters.


Properties Description
IgnorePunct Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether a find operation should ignore punctuation in found text. Read/write.
IgnoreSpace Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether a find operation should ignore extra white space in found text. Read/write.
HanjaPhoneticHangul Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to locate phonetic Hangul and hanja characters in a Korean langauge find operation. Read/write.
MatchPhrase True ignores all white space and control characters between words. Read/write.
MatchPrefix True to match words beginning with the search string. Read/write.
MatchSuffix True to match words ending with the search string. Read/write.
Methods Description
ClearHitHighlight Removes the highlighting for all text located in a hit highlighting find operation, and returns a Boolean that represents whether the operation was successful.
HitHighlight Highlights all found matches and returns a Boolean that represents whether matches were found.


Properties Description
Glow Returns a GlowFormat object that represents the formatting properties for a glow effect. Read-only.
GroupItems Returns a GroupShapes collection that represents the shapes that are grouped together for an inline shape. Read-only.
HasChart True if the specified shape is a chart. Read-only.
Reflection Returns a ReflectionFormat object that represents the reflection formatting for a shape. Read-only.
Shadow Returns a ShadowFormat object that represents the shadow formatting for the specified shape. Read-only.
SoftEdge Returns a SoftEdgeFormat object that represents the soft edge formatting for a shape. Read-only.


Methods Description
AddChart Inserts a chart, of the specified type, as an inline shape into the active document, and opens Microsoft Office Excel with a sheet that contains the default data that Microsoft Office Word uses to create the chart.


Methods Description
CreateNewDocumentByID Creates a new label document using either the default label options or ones that you specify. Returns a Document object that represents the new document.
PrintOutByID Prints a label or a page of labels with the same address.


Properties Description
AllowOpenInDraftView Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to allow users to open documents in draft view. Read/write.
AlwaysUseClearType Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to use ClearType to display fonts in menu, ribbon, and dialog box text. Read/write.
BibliographySort Returns or sets a String that represents the order in which to display sources in the Source Manager dialog box. Read/write.
BibliographyStyle Returns or sets a String that represents the name of the style to use for formatting bibliographies. Read/write.
ContextualSpeller Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to use the contextual speller to check spelling based on the context of a word and the words around it. Read/write.
DeletedCellColor Returns or sets a WdCellColor constant that represents the color for a deleted cell. Read/write.
DoNotPromptForConvert Sets or returns a Boolean that represents whether to prompt a warning dialog when the Convert command is invoked for documents that are in compatibility mode. Read/write.
EnableLegacyIMEMode Returns or sets aBoolean that represents whether to enable legacy IME mode. Read/write.
EnableLivePreview Sets or returns a Boolean that represents whether to show or hide gallery previews that appear when using galleries that support previewing. True shows a preview in your document before applying the command. Read/write.
FrenchReform Returns or sets a WdFrenchSpellerconstant that represents which spelling dictionary to use for regions of text with language formatting set to French. Read/write.
InsertedCellColor Returns or sets a WdCellColorconstant that represents the color for an inserted table cell. Read/write.
INSKeyForOvertype True if the INS key can be used for switching Overtype on and off. Read/write Boolean.
MergedCellColor Returns or sets a WdCellColor constant that represents the color for merged table cells. Read/write.
MoveFromTextColor Returns or sets a WdColorIndex constant that represents the color of moved text. Read/write.
MoveFromTextMark Returns or sets a WdMoveFromTextMark constant that represents the type of revision mark to use for moved text. Read/write.
MoveToTextColor Returns or sets a WdColorIndex constant that represents the color of moved text. Read/write.
MoveToTextMark Returns or sets a WdMoveToTextMark constant that represents the type of revision mark to use for moved text. Read/write.
OMathAutoBuildUp Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether Microsoft Office Word automatically converts equations to professional format. True indicates that Word automatically converts equations to professional format. Read/write.
OMathCopyLF Returns or sets a Boolean that represents how equations are represented in plain text. True indicates equations are represented in Linear Format. False indicates equations are represented in MathML. Read/write.
PasteFormatBetweenDocuments Returns or sets a WdPasteOptions constant that represents how text is pasted when text is copied from another Microsoft Office Word document. Read/write.
PasteFormatBetweenStyledDocuments Returns or sets a WdPasteOptions constant that represents how text is pasted when text is copied from a document that uses styles. Read/write.
PasteFormatFromExternalSource Returns or sets a WdPasteOptions constant that represents how text is pasted when text is copied from an external source, such as a Web page. Read/write.
PasteFormatWithinDocument Returns or sets a WdPasteOptions constant that represents how text is pasted when text is copied or cut and then pasted in the same document. Read/write.
PasteOptionKeepBulletsAndNumbers Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to keep bullets and numbering when selecting Keep text only from the Paste Options context menu. Read/write.
PrecisePositioning Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether Word optimizes character positioning for print layout rather than on-screen readability. True disables the default setting that compresses character spacing to facilitate on-screen readability and enables character spacing for print media. Read/write.
RepeatWord Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to mark words that are repeated when spelling is checked. True flags repeated words. Read/write.
ShowDevTools Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether the Developer tab is displayed in the Ribbon. Read/write.
ShowMenuFloaties Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to display mini toolbars when the user right-clicks in the document window. Read/write.
ShowSelectionFloaties Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether mini toolbars display when a user selects text. Read/write.
SplitCellColor Returns or sets a WdCellColor that represents the color for split table cells. Read/write.
UseNormalStyleForList Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether Microsoft Office Word uses the Normal style for bullets and numbering. Read/write.


Properties Description
EnhMetaFileBits Returns a Variant that represents a picture representation of how a page of text appears. Read-only.


Properties Description
ListNumberOriginal Returns an Integer that represents the original list level for a paragraph. Read-only.
MirrorIndents Returns or sets a Long that represents whether left and right indents are the same width. Can be True, False, or wdUndefined. Read/write.
TextboxTightWrap Returns or sets a WdTextboxTightWrap constant that represents how tightly text wraps around shapes or text boxes. Read/write.
Methods Description
JoinList Joins a list paragraph with the closest list above or below the specified paragraph.
ListAdvanceTo Sets the list levels for a paragraph in a list.
ResetAdvanceTo Resets a paragraph that uses custom list levels to the original level settings.
SeparateList Separates a list into two separate lists. For numbered lists, the new list restarts numbering at the starting number, usually 1.


Properties Description
MirrorIndents Returns or sets a Long that represents whether left and right indents are the same width. Can be True, False, or wdUndefined. Read/write.
TextboxTightWrap Returns or sets a WdTextboxTightWrap constant that represents how tightly text wraps around shapes or text boxes. Read/write.


Properties Description
CharacterStyle Returns a Variant that represents the style used to format one or more characters. Read-only.
ContentControls Returns a ContentControls collection that represents the content controls contained within a range. Read-only.
ListStyle Returns a Variant that represents the style used to format a bulleted list or numbered list. Read-only.
OMaths Returns an OMaths collection that represents the OMath objects within the specified range. Read-only.
ParagraphStyle Returns a Variant that represents the style used to format a paragraph. Read-only.
ParentContentControl Returns a ContentControl object that represents the parent content control for the specified range. Read-only.
TableStyle Returns a Variant that represents the style used to format a table. Read-only.
WordOpenXML Returns a String that represents the XML contained within the range in the Microsoft Office Word Open XML format. Read-only.
Methods Description
ExportAsFixedFormat Saves a portion of a document as PDF or XPS format.
ExportFragment Exports the selected range into a document for use as a document fragment.
ImportFragment Imports a document fragment into the document at the specified range.
InsertAlignmentTab Inserts an absolute tab that is always positioned in the same spot, relative to either the margins or indents.
SetListLevel Sets the list level for one or more items in a numbered list.


Properties Description
Cells Returns a Cells collection that represents the table cells that have been marked with revision marks. Read-only.
MovedRange Returns a Range object that represents a range of text that was moved from one place to another in a document with tracked changes. Read-only.


Properties Description
OMaths Returns an OMaths collection that represents the OMath objects within the current selection. Read-only.
WordOpenXML Returns a String that represents the XML contained within the selection in the Microsoft Office Word Open XML format. Read-only.
Methods Description
ClearCharacterAllFormatting Removes all character formatting (formatting applied either through character styles or manually applied formatting) from the selected text.
ClearCharacterDirectFormatting Removes character formatting (formatting that has been applied manually using the buttons on the Ribbon or through the dialog boxes) from the selected text.
ClearCharacterStyle Removes character formatting that has been applied through character styles from the selected text.
ClearParagraphAllFormatting Removes all paragraph formatting (formatting applied either through paragraph styles or manually applied formatting) from the selected text.
ClearParagraphDirectFormatting Removes paragraph formatting that has been applied manually (using the buttons on the Ribbon or through the dialog boxes) from the selected text.
ClearParagraphStyle Removes paragraph formatting that has been applied through paragraph styles from the selected text.
ExportAsFixedFormat Saves the current selection as PDF or XPS format.
InsertNewPage Inserts a new page at the position of the Insertion Point.
ReadingModeGrowFont Increases the size of the displayed text one point size when the document is displayed in Reading mode.
ReadingModeShrinkFont Decreases the size of the displayed text one point size when the document is displayed in Reading mode.


Properties Description
Blur Returns or sets a Single that represents the blur level for a shadow format. Read/write.
RotateWithShape Returns or sets an MsoTriState that represents whether to rotate the shadow when rotating the shape. Read/write.
Size Returns or sets a Single that represents the width of the shadow. Read/write.
Style Returns or sets a MsoShadowType that represents the type of shadow formatting to apply to a shape. Read/write.


Properties Description
Glow Returns a GlowFormat object that represents the glow formatting for a shape. Read-only.
HasChart True if the specified shape has a chart. Read-only.
HeightRelative Returns or sets a Single that represents the percentage of the relative height of a shape. Read/write.
LeftRelative Returns or sets a Single that represents the relative left position of a shape. Read/write.
Reflection Returns a ReflectionFormat object that represents the reflection formatting for a shape. Read-only.
RelativeHorizontalSize Returns or sets a WdRelativeVerticalSize constant that represents the object to which a range of shapes is relative. Read/write.
RelativeVerticalSize Returns or sets a WdRelativeVerticalSize constant that represents the relative vertical size of a shape. Read/write.
SoftEdge Returns a SoftEdgeFormat object that represents the soft edge formatting for a shape. Read-only.
TextFrame2 Returns a TextFrame2 object that contains the text for the specified shape. Read-only.
TopRelative Returns or sets a Single that represents the relative top position of a shape. Read/write.
WidthRelative Returns or sets a Single that represents the relative width of a shape. Read/write.


Properties Description
LeftRelative Returns or sets a Single that represents the relative left position of a range of shapes. Read/write.
Glow Returns a GlowFormat object that represents the glow formatting for a range of shapes. Read-only.
HeightRelative Returns or sets a Single that represents the percentage of the target shape to which the range of shapes is sized. Read/write.
Reflection Returns a ReflectionFormat object that represents the reflection formatting for a range of shapes. Read-only.
RelativeHorizontalSize Returns or sets a WdRelativeHorizontalSize constant that represents the object to which a range of shapes is relative. Read/write.
RelativeVerticalSize Returns or sets a WdRelativeVerticalSize constant that represents the object to which a range of shapes is relative. Read/write.
SoftEdge Returns a SoftEdgeFormat object that represents the soft edge formatting for a range of shapes. Read-only.
TextFrame2 Returns a TextFrame2 object that contains the text for the specified range of shapes. Read-only.
TopRelative Returns or sets a Single that represents the relative top position of a range of shapes. Read/write.
WidthRelative Returns or sets a Single that represents the relative width of a range of shapes. Read/write.


Methods Description
AddChart Inserts a chart, of the specified type, as a shape into the active document, and opens Microsoft Office Excel with a sheet that contains the default data that Microsoft Office Word uses to create the chart.


Properties Description
Linked Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether a style is a linked style that can be used for both paragraph and character formatting. Read-only.
Priority Returns or sets a Long that represents the priority for sorting styles in the Styles task pane. Read/write.
QuickStyle Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether the style corresponds to an available quick style. Read/write.


Properties Description
ApplyStyleColumnBands Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to apply style bands to the columns in a table if an applied preset table style provides style banding for columns. Read/write.
ApplyStyleRowBands Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to apply style bands to the rows in a table if an applied preset table style provides style banding for rows. Read/write.
Methods Description
ApplyStyleDirectFormatting Applies the specified style but maintains any formatting that a user directly applies.


Properties Description
BuildingBlockEntries Returns a BuildingBlockEntries collection that represents the collection of building block entries in a template. Read-only.
BuildingBlockTypes Returns a BuildingBlockTypes collection that represents the collection of building block types that are contained in a template. Read-only.


Methods Description
LoadBuildingBlocks Loads the building blocks for all templates into Microsoft Office Word.


Properties Description
VerticalAnchor Returns or sets an MsoVerticalAnchor constant that represents the vertical alignment of the text within a shape. Read/write.


Properties Description
BevelBottomType Returns or sets an MsoPresetCamera constant that represents the bevel type for the bottom bevel. Read/write.
BevelTopDepth Returns or sets a Single that represents the depth of the top bevel. Read/write.
BevelTopInset Returns or sets a Single that represents the inset size for the top bevel. Read/write.
BevelTopType Returns or sets an MsoPresetCamera constant that represents the bevel type for the top bevel. Read/write.
ContourColor Returns or sets a ColorFormat object that represents color of the contour of a shape. Read/write.
ContourWidth Returns or sets a Single that represents the width of the contour of a shape. Read/write.
BevelBottomDepth Returns or sets a Single that represents the depth of the bottom bevel. Read/write.
BevelBottomInset Returns or sets a Single that represents the inset size for the bottom bevel. Read/write.
FieldOfView Returns or sets a Single that represents the amount of perspective for a shape. Read/write.
LightAngle Returns or sets a Single that represents angle of the lighting. Read/write.
PresetCamera Returns an MsoPresetCamera constant that represents the camera presets. Read-only.
PresetLighting Returns or sets an MsoBevelType constant that represents the lighting preset. Read/write.
ProjectText Returns or sets an MsoTriState constant that represents whether text on a shape rotates with shape. msoTrue rotates the text. Read/write.
RotationZ Returns or sets a Single that represents z-axis rotation of the camera. Read/write.
Z Returns or sets a Single that represents the z-axis for the shape. Read/write.
Methods Description
IncrementRotationHorizontal Horizontally rotates a shape on the x-axis using the specified incrementation value.
IncrementRotationVertical Vertically rotates a shape on the y-axis using the specified incrementation value.
IncrementRotationZ Rotates a shape on the z-axis using the specified incrementation.
SetPresetCamera Sets the camera presets for a shape.


Properties Description
MarkupMode Returns or sets a WdRevisionsMode constant that represents the display mode for tracked changes. Read/write.
Panning Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether Microsoft Office Word is in Panning mode. Read/write.
ReadingLayoutAllowEditing Returns a Boolean that represents whether to allow editing of text in Reading Layout mode. Read/write.
ReadingLayoutTruncateMargins Returns or sets a WdReadingLayoutMargin constant that represents whether margins are visible or hidden when a document is viewed in Full Screen Reading view. Read/write.
ShowCropMarks Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to show crop marks in the corners of pages to indicate where margins are located. Read/write.
ShowMarkupAreaHighlight Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether the markup area that shows revision and comment balloons is shaded. Read/write.


Properties Description
ShowSourceDocuments Returns or sets a WdShowSourceDocuments constant that represents how Microsoft Office Word displays source documents after a compare and merge process. Read/write.
Methods Description
ToggleRibbon Shows or hides the ribbon.


Properties Description
WordOpenXML Returns a String that represents the XML for the node in the Microsoft Office Word Open XML format. Read-only.

New Constants

The following constants have been added to existing enumerations in Microsoft Office Word 2007.

Enumeration New Constants
WdBuiltinStyle wdStyleBibliography wdStyleBookTitle wdStyleIntenseEmphasis wdStyleIntenseQuote wdStyleIntenseReference wdStyleListParagraph wdStyleNormalObject wdStyleQuote wdStyleSubtleEmphasis wdStyleSubtleReference wdStyleTableColorfulGrid wdStyleTableColorfulList wdStyleTableColorfulShading wdStyleTableDarkList wdStyleTableLightGrid wdStyleTableLightGridAccent1 wdStyleTableLightList wdStyleTableLightListAccent1 wdStyleTableLightShading wdStyleTableLightShadingAccent1 wdStyleTableMediumGrid1 wdStyleTableMediumGrid2 wdStyleTableMediumGrid3 wdStyleTableMediumList1 wdStyleTableMediumList1Accent1 wdStyleTableMediumList2 wdStyleTableMediumShading1 wdStyleTableMediumShading1Accent1 wdStyleTableMediumShading2 wdStyleTableMediumShading2Accent1
WdCalendarType wdCalendarTranslitEnglish wdCalendarTranslitFrench
WdCompatibility wdAllowSpaceOfSameStyleInTable wdAutofitLikeWW11 wdCachedColBalance wdDontAutofitConstrainedTables wdDontBreakConstrainedForcedTables wdDontUseIndentAsNumberingTabStop wdDontVertAlignCellWithShape wdDontVertAlignInTextbox wdFELineBreak11 wdHangulWidthLikeWW11 wdSplitPgBreakAndParaMark wdUnderlineTabInNumList wdUseNormalStyleForList wdWord11KerningPairs wdWW11IndentRules
WdDeletedTextMark wdDeletedTextMarkDoubleStrikeThrough
WdFieldType wdFieldBibliography wdFieldCitation
WdInlineShapeType wdInlineShapeChart wdInlineShapeDiagram wdInlineShapeLockedCanvas wdInlineShapeSmartArt
WdInsertedTextMark wdInsertedTextMarkDoubleStrikeThrough
WdLanguageID wdFrenchCongoDRC wdMacedonianFYROM wdPersian wdPortugueseBrazil
WdLinkType wdLinkTypeChart
WdOpenFormat wdOpenFormatAllWordTemplates wdOpenFormatDocument97 wdOpenFormatTemplate97 wdOpenFormatXMLDocument wdOpenFormatXMLDocumentMacroEnabled wdOpenFormatXMLDocumentMacroEnabledSerialized wdOpenFormatXMLDocumentSerialized wdOpenFormatXMLTemplate wdOpenFormatXMLTemplateMacroEnabled wdOpenFormatXMLTemplateMacroEnabledSerialized wdOpenFormatXMLTemplateSerialized
WdRecoveryType wdUseDestinationStylesRecovery
WdRectangleType wdDocumentControlRectangle wdMailNavArea wdMarkupRectangleArea wdMarkupRectangleMoveMatch wdReadingModeNavigation wdReadingModePanningArea
WdRelativeHorizontalPosition wdRelativeHorizontalPositionInnerMarginArea wdRelativeHorizontalPositionLeftMarginArea wdRelativeHorizontalPositionOuterMarginArea wdRelativeHorizontalPositionRightMarginArea
WdRelativeVerticalPosition wdRelativeVerticalPositionBottomMarginArea wdRelativeVerticalPositionInnerMarginArea wdRelativeVerticalPositionOuterMarginArea wdRelativeVerticalPositionTopMarginArea
WdRevisedPropertiesMark wdRevisedPropertiesMarkDoubleStrikeThrough
WdRevisionType wdRevisionCellDeletion wdRevisionCellInsertion wdRevisionCellMerge wdRevisionMovedFrom wdRevisionMovedTo
WdSaveFormat wdFormatDocument97 wdFormatDocumentDefault wdFormatFlatXML wdFormatFlatXMLMacroEnabled wdFormatFlatXMLTemplate wdFormatFlatXMLTemplateMacroEnabled wdFormatPDF wdFormatTemplate97 wdFormatXMLDocument wdFormatXMLDocumentMacroEnabled wdFormatXMLTemplate wdFormatXMLTemplateMacroEnabled wdFormatXPS
WdShowFilter wdShowFilterFormattingRecommended
WdSpecialPane wdPaneRevisionsHoriz wdPaneRevisionsVert
WdStyleType wdStyleTypeLinked wdStyleTypeParagraphOnly
WdTaskPanes wdTaskPaneApplyStyles wdTaskPaneDocumentManagement wdTaskPaneSignature wdTaskPaneStyleInspector
WdTextOrientation wdTextOrientationVertical
WdWordDialog wdDialogBuildingBlockOrganizer wdDialogCompatibilityChecker wdDialogContentControlProperties wdDialogCreateSource wdDialogDocumentInspector wdDialogExportAsFixedFormat wdDialogInsertPlaceholder wdDialogInsertSource wdDialogLabelOptions wdDialogOMathRecognizedFunctions wdDialogSourceManager wdDialogStyleManagement
WdWordDialogTab wdDialogStyleManagementTabEdit wdDialogStyleManagementTabRecommend wdDialogStyleManagementTabRestrict
WdWrapType wdWrapBehind wdWrapFront