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Application.CreateAccessProject Method

Access Developer Reference

You can use the CreateAccessProject method to create a new Microsoft Access project (.adp) on disk.


expression.CreateAccessProject(filepath, Connect)

expression   A variable that represents an Application object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
filepath Required String A string expression that is the name of the new Access project, including the path name and the file name extension. If your network supports it, you can also specify a network path in the following form: \\Server\Share\Folder\Filename.adp
Connect Optional Variant A string expression that's the valid connection string for the Access project. See the ADO ConnectionString property for details about this string.

Return Value


The CreateAccessProject method enables you to create a new Access project from within Microsoft Access or another application through Automation, formally called OLE Automation. For example, you can use the CreateAccessProject method from Microsoft Excel to create a new Access project on disk. Once you have created an instance of Microsoft Access from another application, you must also create a new Access project.

If the Access project identified by projname already exists, an error occurs.

To create and open a new Access project as the current Access project in the Access window, use the NewAccessProject method of the Application object.

To open an existing Access project as the current Access project in the Access window, use the OpenAccessProject method of the Application object.


The following example creates a Microsoft Access project named "Order Entry.adp" on drive C.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Application.CreateAccessProject "C:\Order Entry.adp" 

See Also