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default Attribute

Specifies the name identifier of the view chosen to be the default view.




The default attribute is an optional attribute of the views element.

If not specified, the default view is the first view element found within the views element. This view is loaded when an Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 is initially opened.

Bb230405.vs_note(en-us,office.12).gif  Note
In the case of forms that use ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) or a Web service as their primary data source, the default view is set by the initialView attribute in the processing instruction of the form's XML template file. This attribute cannot be changed while in design mode.


The following is an example of the default attribute as it is used in the views element:

  <xsf:views default="View">
   <xsf:view name="View" caption="View">
      <xsf:mainpane transform="view1.xsl"></xsf:mainpane>