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InputParameters Collection

InfoPath Developer Reference

Represents a collection of InputParameter objects.

Version Information
 Version Added:  InfoPath 2007


The InputParameters collection can be used to access the Name and Value properties of each InputParameter object. It is not possible to add new InputParameters using the InfoPath object model.

This collection is populated when a form template is opened from the command line with the


option and one or more name/value pairs, separated by the ampersand (&) character, or from a URL string that specifies input parameters.

In the following example, an InfoPath form template is invoked from the command line using the following syntax:

  infopath.exe "C:\User Forms\DeptReport.xsn" /InputParameters "Dept=Accounting&Class=Introduction"

Or from a URL using the following syntax:


In the OnLoad event, the Department field is populated with the value "Accounting".

  function XDocument::OnLoad(eventObj)
   var vDept = XDocument.InputParameters["Dept"].Value;
   XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:Department").text = vDept;

In the following example, the InputParameters collection is used to enumerate through the name/value pairs passed in through a command-line or URL, and display each pair in an alert.

  var varIParams = XDocument.InputParameters
	for( var enumtor = new Enumerator(varIParams) ; !enumtor.atEnd(); 
	enumtor.moveNext() )
		XDocument.UI.Alert("Name: " + enumtor.item().Name + "\nValue: " + enumtor.item().Value);

See Also