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New Objects, Collections, and Enumerations

Excel Developer Reference

New Objects and Collections

The following objects and collections have been added to the object model in Microsoft Office Excel 2007.

Object or Collection Description
AboveAverage Represents an above average visual of a conditional formatting rule. Applying a color or fill to a range or selection to help you see the value of a cells relative to other cells.
Action This topic is a placeholder for future content. It is included in this preliminary documentation to illustrate the proposed structure of the final content.
Actions This topic is a placeholder for future content. It is included in this preliminary documentation to illustrate the proposed structure of the final content.
ChartFormat Provides access to the Office Art formatting for chart elements.
ChartView Represents a view of a chart.
ColorScale Represents a color scale conditional formatting rule.
ColorScaleCriteria A collection of ColorScaleCriterion objects that represents all of the criteria for a color scale conditional format. Each criterion specifies the minimum, midpoint, or maximum threshold for the color scale.
ColorScaleCriterion Represents the criteria for the minimum, midpoint, or maximum thresholds for a color format conditional format.
ConditionValue Represents how the shortest bar or longest bar is evaluated for a data bar conditional formatting rule.
Connections A collection of Connection objects for the specified workbook.
Databar Represents a data bar conditional formating rule. Applying a data bar to a range helps you see the value of a cell relative to other cells.
DialogSheetView Represents the current Dialog sheet view in a workbook.
FileExportConverter Represents a file converter that is used to save files.
FileExportConverters A collection of FileExportConverter objects that represent all the file converters available for saving files.
FormatColor Represents the fill color specified for a threshold of a color scale conditional format or the color of the bar in a data bar conditional format.
HeaderFooter Represents a single header or footer. The HeaderFooter object is a member of the HeadersFooters collection. The HeadersFooters collection includes all headers and footers in the specified workbook section.
Icon Represents a single icon in an icon set used in a conditional formatting rule.
IconCriteria Represents the collection of IconCriterion objects. Each IconCriterion represents the values and threshold type for each icon in an icon set conditional formatting rule.
IconCriterion Represents the criterion for an individual icon in an icon set. The criterion specifies the range of values and the threshold type associated with the icon in an icon set conditional formatting rule.
IconSet Represents a single set of icons that are used in an icon set conditional formatting rule.
IconSetCondition Represents an icon set conditional formatting rule.
IconSets Represents a collection of icon sets used in an icon set conditional formatting rule.
LinearGradient The LinearGradient object transitions through a series of colors in a linear manner along a specific angle.
MultiThreadedCalculation Returns or sets the concurrent calculation mode.
ODBCConnection Represents the ODBC connection.
OLEDBConnection Represents the OLE DB connection.
Page Represents a page in a workbook. Use the PageSetup object and the related methods and properties for programmatically defining page layout in a workbook.
Pages A collection of pages in a document. Use the Pages collection and the related objects and properties for programmatically defining page layout in a workbook.
PivotAxis The PivotAxis object is used for asymmetric drilling in a PivotTable.
PivotFilter A PivotFilter is applied to a PivotField object.
PivotFilters The PivotFilters object is a collection of PivotFilter objects.
PivotLine A PivotLine object is a line of rows or columns in an Excel PivotTable.
PivotLineCells Collection of PivotCell objects for a specific PivotLine.
PivotLines The PivotLines object is a collection of lines in a PivotTable, containing all lines on rows or columns of the pivot. Each line is a set of PivotCells.
Ranges A collection of Range objects that represent worksheets in a workbook.
RectangularGradient The RectangularGradient object transitions through a series of colors in a linear manner along a specific angle.
Research This topic is a placeholder for future content. It is included in this preliminary documentation to illustrate the proposed structure of the final content.
ServerViewableItems A collection of objects that have been marked as viewable on the server.
SheetViews A collection of all the sheet views in the specified or active workbook window.
Sort Represents a sort of a range of data.
SortField The SortField object contains all the sort information for the Worksheet, Lists, and AutoFilter objects.
SortFields The SortFields collection is a collection of SortField objects. It allows developers to store a sort state on workbooks, lists, and autofilters.
TableStyle Represents a single style that can be applied to a table.
TableStyleElement Represents a single table style element.
TableStyleElements Represents table style elements.
TableStyles Represents styles that can be applied to a table.
TextFrame2 Represents the text frame in a Shape, ShapeRange, or ChartFormat object.
Top10 This topic is a placeholder for future content. It is included in this preliminary documentation to illustrate the proposed structure of the final content.
UniqueValues The UniqueValues object uses the DupeUnique property to returns or sets an enum that determines whether the rule should look for duplicate or unique values in the range.
WorkbookConnection A connection is a set of information needed to obtain data from an external data source other than an Microsoft Office Excel 2007 workbook.
WorksheetView A collection of all the WorksheetView objects in the specified or active workbook.

New Enumerations

The following enumerations have been added to the object model in Microsoft Office Excel 2007.

Enumerations Description
XlAboveBelow Specifies if the values are above or below average.
XlActionType Specifies the action that should be performed.
XlCalcFor Specifies what should be calculated.
XlChartElementPosition Specifies the position of the chart element.
XlCheckInVersionType Specifies the type of version for the document checked in when using the CheckIn method. Applies to workbooks stored in a SharePoint library.
XlConditionValueTypes Specifies the types of condition values that can be used.
XlConnectionType Specifies the type of database connection.
XlContainsOperator Specifies the operator used in a function.
XlCredentialsMethod Specifies the type of credentials method used.
XlCubeFieldSubType Specifies the subtype of the CubeField.
XlDupeUnique Specifies whether duplicate or unique values shoud be displayed.
XlDynamicFilterCriteria Specifies the filter criterion.
XlFilterAllDatesInPeriod Specifies how dates should be filtered in the specified period.
XlFixedFormatQuality Specifies the quality of speadsheets saved in different fixed formats.
XlFixedFormatType Specifies the type of file format.
XlFormatFilterTypes Specifies the types of format filters.
XLGenerateTableRefs Specifies the type of table references.
XlGradientFillType Specifies the type of gradient fill.
XlIconSet Specifies the type of icon set.
XlLayoutRowType Specifies the type of layout row.
XlLookFor Specifies what to look for in searches.
XlMeasurementUnits Specifies the measurement units.
XlPivotConditionScope This enumeration specifies the conditional formatting applied for filtering values from the PivotTable object.
XlPivotFilterType The type of filter applied.
XlPivotLineType Specifies the type of the PivotLine.
XlPropertyDisplayedIn Specifies where to display the property.
XlRemoveDocInfoType Specifies the type information to be removed from the document information.
XlRgbColor Specifies the RGB color.
XlSortOn Specifies the parameter on which the data should be sorted.
XlStdColorScale Specifies the standard color scale.
XlTableStyleElementType Specifies the table style element used.
XlThemeColor Specifies the theme color to be used.
XlThemeFont Specifies the theme font to use.
XlThreadMode Specifies the control over the multi-threaded calculation mode.
XlTimePeriods Specifies the time period.
XlTopBottom Specifies the top 10 values from the top or bottom of a series of values.