Language-Specific Properties, Methods, and Functions

The Microsoft Office Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) object model has language-specific elements for use with Asian and right-to-left languages.

The following table lists methods that have language-specific arguments. Methods that have new arguments or fewer arguments than in earlier versions of Excel are noted.

Method Objects Comments
Add Phonetics
AddLabel Shapes
AddTextbox Shapes
AutoFormat Range
CheckSpelling Application, Chart, Range, Worksheet Added SpellLang and removed IgnoreInitialAlefHamza and IgnoreFinalYaa
Find Application, Range Removed MatchControlCharacters, MatchDiacritics, MatchKashida, and MatchAlefHamza
GetPhonetic Application
Replace Range Removed MatchControlCharacters, MatchDiacritics, MatchKashida, and MatchAlefHamza
SetPhonetic Range
Sort Range Removed IgnoreControlCharacters, IgnoreDiacritics, and IgnoreKashida
SortSpecial Range

Properties that return or set language-specific attributes are listed in the following table.

Property Objects
AddIndent Range, Style
AddressLocal Range
Alignment Phonetic, Phonetics, TextEffectFormat, TickLabels
CharacterType Phonetic, Phonetics
ControlCharacters Application
CursorMovement Application
DefaultSheetDirection Application
DisplayRightToLeft Window, Worksheet
FileFormat Workbook
HorizontalAlignment AxisTitle, ChartTitle, DataLabel, DataLabels, DisplayUnitLabel, Range, Style, TextFrame
IMEMode Validation
International Application
Item Phonetics
Length Phonetics
Phonetic Range
PhoneticCharacters Characters
Phonetics Range
ReadingOrder AxisTitle, ChartTitle, DataLabel, DataLabels, DisplayUnitLabel, Range, Style, TextFrame, TickLabels
Start Phonetics
VerticalAlignment AxisTitle, ChartTitle, DataLabel, DataLabels, DisplayUnitLabels, Range, Style, TextFrame

The following are language-specific worksheet functions: