Table.Restrict Method

Outlook Developer Reference

Applies a filter to the rows in the Table and obtains a new Table object.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Outlook 2007



expression   A variable that represents a Table object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Filter Required String Specifies the criteria for rows in the Table object.

Return Value
A Table object that is returned by applying


to the rows in the parent Table object.


You can only use Table.Restrict to apply another filter to that Table if the parent object of the Table is a Folder object. If the parent object is a Search object, Restrict will return an error.

Since the filter is applied to the rows in the Table object, this is equivalent to applying a filter that is a logical AND of


and all preceding filters applied to the same Table object.


is a query on specified properties of items that are represented as rows in the parent Table. The query uses either the Microsoft Jet syntax or the DAV Searching and Locating (DASL) syntax. For example, the following Jet filter and DASL filter specify the same criteria for items with LastModificationTime earlier than 3:30pm of June 12, 2005:

criteria = "[LastModificationTime] < '" & Format$("6/12/2005 3:30PM","General Date") & "'"

criteria = "@SQL=" & Chr(34) & "DAV:getlastmodified" & Chr(34) & " < '" & Format$("6/12/2005 3:30PM","General Date") & "'"

For more information on specifying filters for the Table object, see Filtering Items.



contains custom properties, those properties must exist in the parent folder of the Table object in order for the restriction to work correctly. Certain properties are not supported in a Table filter, including binary properties, computed properties, and HTML or RTF body content. For more information, see Unsupported Properties in a Table Object or Table Filter.



is a blank string, Restrict returns a Table object that is identical to the parent Table object.


The following code sample applies a Jet filter on items in the Inbox to obtain items with a LastModificationTime greater than November 1, 2005. It then prints the values of the default properties for these items in the Inbox: EntryID, Subject, CreationTime, LastModificationTime, and MessageClass.

Bb207571.vs_note(en-us,office.12).gif  Note
Since heterogeneous items can exist in the same folder in Outlook, the items returned from applying the filter to the Inbox may be of different types. In general, before accessing any properties that are not among the default properties for items in the Inbox, you should check the MessageClass of the item.
Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub RestrictTable()
    Dim Filter As String
    Dim oRow As Outlook.Row
    Dim oTable As Outlook.Table
    Dim oFolder As Outlook.Folder
'Get a Folder object for the Inbox
Set oFolder = Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)

'Define Filter to obtain items last modified after November 1, 2005
Filter = "[LastModificationTime] &gt; '11/1/2005'"
'Restrict with Filter
Set oTable = oFolder.GetTable(Filter)

'Enumerate the table using test for EndOfTable
Do Until (oTable.EndOfTable)
    Set oRow = oTable.GetNextRow()
    Debug.Print (oRow("EntryID"))
    Debug.Print (oRow("Subject"))
    Debug.Print (oRow("CreationTime"))
    Debug.Print (oRow("LastModificationTime"))
    Debug.Print (oRow("MessageClass"))

End Sub

See Also