PropertyAccessor.BinaryToString Method

Outlook Developer Reference

Converts the array of bytes specified by


to a String.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Outlook 2007



expression   A variable that represents a PropertyAccessor object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Value Required Variant Represents the array of bytes to be converted.

Return Value
A hexadecimal String that represents the converted value.


For more information on type conversion when using the PropertyAccessor object, see Best Practices for Getting and Setting Properties.


The Outlook object model exposes an EntryID property for item objects to obtain the Entry ID of an item. This property is a string representing the value of the MAPI property, PR_ENTRYID, of that item. Aside from the EntryID property, you can also use the PropertyAccessor.GetProperty method to obtain the value of PR_ENTRYID for an item, and use PropertyAccessor.BinaryToString to convert that value to a string. This string should match the EntryID property value for the same item. The following code sample shows the equivalence of the Entry ID returned by the PropertyAccessor.GetProperty method and the Entry ID returned by the EntryID property for each item in the Inbox.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub TestEntryIDs()
    Dim oMsg As Object
    Dim oFolder As Outlook.Folder
    Dim oItems As Outlook.Items
    Dim oPA As Outlook.PropertyAccessor
    Dim EntryID1 As String, EntryID2 As String, EntryIDProperty As String
    'This is the MAPI property PR_ENTRYID referenced with its MAPI proptag namespace
    EntryIDProperty = ""
    Set oFolder = Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
    Set oItems = oFolder.Items
    For Each oMsg In oItems
        Set oPA = oMsg.PropertyAccessor
        'First use the EntryID property of the item
        EntryID1 = oMsg.EntryID
        'Then use the PropertyAccessor
        EntryID2 = oPA.BinaryToString(oPA.GetProperty(EntryIDProperty))
        'The string equivalents of the two Entry IDs should be the same
        If EntryID1 <> EntryID2 Then
            Debug.Print "Error obtaining EntryID for " & oMsg.Subject
        End If
End Sub

See Also