Playing Media

This section describes how to play audio and video content in the shared and custom view ports, summarizes the types of media content that are supported, and other playback-related considerations in the following topics:

Topic Description
Using the Now Playing and Video View Items Describes the insets for playing video.
Working with NowPlaying Describes how to display the Now Playing inset.
Displaying Multiple Video and NowPlaying Items Describes the limitations when displaying multiple Video and NowPlaying view items.
Working with a Media Collection Describes how to work with media collections to create and manage dynamic playlists.
Creating Lists of Media Items Describes how to create a list of items from the media libraries.
Creating Full Screen Video Describes the considerations of displaying video in full screen.
Retrieving Playback Information Describes how to retrieve information about the current media, including the buffering progress, play state, and play rate.
Supported Media Types for Windows Media Center Lists the types of media content that are supported by Windows Media Center.
Displaying Content Based on Parental Controls Describes how to retrieve the parental control settings for content to determine whether to prompt for the access code.

See Also