MCML Methods

MCML exposes the following methods.

Method Description
AttachAnimation Dynamically adds an animation to the view item.
Cancel Cancels the current load of the source.
DetachAnimation Dynamically removes an animation from the view item.
End Scrolls to the end.
ForceContentChange Manually forces a content change for animations.
ForceRefresh Forces a reload of a UI.
Home Scrolls to the beginning.
NavigateInto Requests navigation into the view item to send focus to the view item or one of its children.
NavigateIntoIndex Sends keyboard focus to the child with the specified virtual index. This method attempts to create the item if it hasn't already been repeated.
PageDown Scrolls down one page.
PageUp Scrolls up one page.
Scroll Scrolls by exact amount.
ScrollDown Scrolls down one step.
ScrollUp Scrolls up one step.

See Also