Size (ArcSegment) Property

Gets or sets the x- and y-radius of the arc as a pair of values in a string.

<object Size="xySize" .../>
object.Size = "xySize"

Property Value


A string that describes the x- and y-radius of the elliptical arc. See xySize Grammar section below.

This property is write-only. The default value is null, which is interpreted as width and height of 0.

xySize Grammar

x,y A double value for a width (x), a delimiter, and a double value for a height (y). The delimiter can be either a space or comma. A Size value uses a type converter to process the string value.


A Size value uses a type converter to process the input string value. There is no "Size" object available in the Silverlight object model.

Applies To


See Also

Path Markup Syntax