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CallBackFunction Function

Other versions of this page are also available for the following:

  • Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3


The signature for the CallBackFunction is as follows:

HRESULT CallBackFunction (
[IN/OUT] IFakeServerResponse *pResponse,
[IN] DWORD dwMetaInfo);


  • CLIENT_REQUEST *pRequest
    The pointer to the actual Data/request received over the wire
  • IFakeServerResponse *pResponse
    The pointer to the response interface. The response interface pointer is initialized by the framework. The application can set any other property or method on the response interface before it returns from the call back. The response interface pointer can be used to control the response that you wish to send to your client.
  • DWORD dwMetaInfo
    Currently unused.

See Also

Other Resources

Callback Function in the Fake Server Library