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Explorer.SelectionChange Event

Outlook Developer Reference

Occurs when the user switches to a different item in a folder using the user interface (UI) or programmatically.



expression   A variable that represents an Explorer object.


This event also occurs when the user, either programmatically or using the user inerface, clicks or switches to a different folder that contains items as Outlook automatically selects the first item in that folder. However, this event does not occur if the folder is a file-system folder or if any folder with a current Web view is displayed. This event is not available in Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript).


This Microsoft Visual Basic/Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example displays the number of items selected in the active explorer window whenever the selection changes. The sample code must be placed in a class module, and the Initialize_handler routine must be called before the event procedure can be called by Microsoft Outlook.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Public WithEvents myOlExp As Outlook.Explorer

Public Sub Initialize_handler() Set myOlExp = Application.ActiveExplorer End Sub

Private Sub myOlExp_SelectionChange() MsgBox myOlExp.Selection.Count & " items selected." End Sub

See Also