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Change default permissions for all new queries

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You can change the default permissions that allow others to view data returned from queries or, in the case of action queries, to run the queries, even if they are otherwise restricted from viewing the underlying table or query. Changing the default permissions affects only new queries.

  1. On the Tools menu, click Options.

  2. Click the Tables/Queries tab.

  3. Click the Run Permissions option you want to use.

    If you select Owner's:

    • All users have the query owner's permission to view or run the query.

    • Only the query owner can save changes to the query.

    • Only the query owner can change the ownership of the query.

    If you select User's, the permissions that are defined for that classification of users are in effect instead, and any user with Administer permissions for the query can save changes to the query, or change its ownership.