Implementing a Custom Download Manager
The ability to implement a custom download manager was introduced in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5. This feature enables you to extend the functionality of Windows Internet Explorer and WebBrowser applications by implementing a Component Object Model (COM) object to handle the file download process.
By implementing a custom download manager, your WebBrowser application can be extended to display a custom user interface. You could, for example, create a download manager that enables you to view MPEG files or launch applications.
A download manager is implemented as a COM object that exposes the IUnknown and IDownloadManager interface. IDownloadManager has only one method, IDownloadManager::Download, which is called by Internet Explorer or a WebBrowser application to download a file. When a file is selected for download in a WebBrowser application, the custom download manager is accessed in one of two ways.
If the IServiceProvider::QueryService method of the IServiceProvider interface is implemented, the WebBrowser application first calls IServiceProvider::QueryService to retrieve an IDownloadManager interface pointer. The following example shows a possible implementation of the IServiceProvider::QueryService method.
STDMETHODIMP CServiceProvider::QueryService(REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, void **ppv) { HRESULT hr = E_NOINTERFACE; if (guidService == SID_SDownloadManager && riid == IID_IDownloadManager) { // Create new CDownloadMgr object using ATL. CComObject<CDownloadMgr>* pDownloadMgr; hr = CComObject<CDownloadMgr>::CreateInstance(&pDownloadMgr); // Query the new CDownloadMgr object for IDownloadManager interface. hr = pDownloadMgr->QueryInterface(IID_IDownloadManager, ppv); } return hr; }
For Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and later, if the WebBrowser application does not implement the IServiceProvider::QueryService method, or when using Internet Explorer itself for which IServiceProvider::QueryService cannot be implemented, the application checks for the presence of a registry key containing the class identifier (CLSID) of the download manager COM object. The CLSID can be provided in either of the following registry values.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Internet Explorer DownloadUI HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Internet Explorer DownloadUI
If the application cannot locate a custom download manager the default download user interface is used.