Provider Support of ADSI Interfaces

The following table lists a brief description of the interfaces supported by the providers included with ADSI for Windows 2000 and DS Client. An entry marked with "Yes" indicates that at least one ADSI object of the specified provider supports the associated interface. "No" indicates that no object of the provider supports the interface in this release. In the future, currently unsupported interfaces may become supported by the system-supplied providers.

For more information about ADSI provider-specific implementation details, see:

For more information about which property or method is supported for each interface, click the appropriate interface name in the first column of the table.


Provider Support for IADsUser

Property LDAP WinNT
AccountDisabled Supported Supported
AccountExpirationDate Supported Supported
BadLoginAddress Unsupported Not supported
BadLoginCount Supported Supported
Department Supported Unsupported
Description Supported Supported
Division Supported Unsupported
EmailAddress Supported Unsupported
EmployeeID Supported Unsupported
FaxNumber Supported Unsupported
FirstName Supported Unsupported
FullName Supported Supported
GraceLoginsAllowed Not Supported Unsupported
GraceLoginsRemaining Not Supported Unsupported
HomeDirectory Supported Supported
HomePage Supported Unsupported
IsAccountLocked Supported Supported
Languages Not Supported Unsupported
LastFailedLogin Supported Unsupported
LastLogin Supported Supported
LastLogoff Supported Supported
LastName Supported Unsupported
LoginHours Supported Supported
LoginScript Supported Supported
LoginWorkstations Supported Supported
Manager Supported Unsupported
MaxLogins Unsupported Unsupported
MaxStorage Supported Supported
NamePrefix Supported Unsupported
NameSuffix Supported Unsupported
OfficeLocations Supported Unsupported
OtherName Supported Unsupported
PasswordExpirationDate Unsupported Supported
PasswordLastChanged Supported Unsupported
PasswordMinimumLength Unsupported Supported
PasswordRequired Supported Supported
Picture Supported Unsupported
PostalAddresses Supported Unsupported
PostalCodes Supported Unsupported
Profile Supported Supported
RequireUniquePassword Unsupported Unsupported
SeeAlso Supported Unsupported
TelephoneHome Supported Unsupported
TelephoneMobile Supported Unsupported
TelephoneNumber Supported Unsupported
TelephonePager Supported Unsupported
Title Supported Unsupported


Provider Support for IADsComputer

Properties LDAP WinNT
ComputerID Interface not supported Unsupported
Department Interface not supported Unsupported
Description Interface not supported Unsupported
Division Interface not supported Supported
Location Interface not supported Unsupported
MemorySize Interface not supported Unsupported
Model Interface not supported Unsupported
NetAddresses Interface not supported Unsupported
OperatingSystem Interface not supported Supported
OperatingSystemVersion Interface not supported Supported
Owner Interface not supported Supported
PrimaryUser Interface not supported Unsupported
Processor Interface not supported Supported
ProcessorCount Interface not supported Supported
Role Interface not supported Unsupported
Site Interface not supported Unsupported
StorageCapacity Interface not supported Unsupported


Provider Support for IADsComputerOperations

Property LDAP WinNT
Shutdown Interface not supported Not implemented
Status Interface not supported Not implemented


Provider Support for IADsDomain

Property LDAP WinNT
IsWorkgroup Interface not supported Not implemented
MinPasswordLength Interface not supported Supported
MinPasswordAge Interface not supported Supported
MaxpasswordAge Interface not supported Supported
MaxBadPasswordsAllowed Interface not supported Supported
PasswordHistoryLength Interface not supported Supported
PasswordAttributes Interface not supported Unsupported
AutoUnlockInterval Interface not supported Supported
LockoutObservationInterval Interface not supported Supported


Provider Support for IADsFileService

Property LDAP WinNT
Description Interface not supported Supported
MaxUserCount Interface not supported Supported


Provider Support for IADsGroup

Property LDAP WinNT
Description Supported Supported


Provider Support for IADsClass

Property LDAP WinNT
PrimaryInterface Supported Supported
CLSID Supported Supported
OID Supported Supported
Abstract Supported Supported
Auxiliary Supported Supported
MandatoryProperties Supported Supported
OptionalProperties Supported Supported
NamingProperties Supported Not implemented
DerivedFrom Supported Unsupported
AuxDerivedFrom Supported Unsupported
PossibleSuperiors Supported Supported
Containment Supported for read Supported
Container Supported for read Supported
HelpFileName Supported Supported
HelpFileContext Supported Supported
Method LDAP WinNT
Qualifiers Not implemented Not implemented


Provider Support for IADsProperty

Property LDAP WinNT
OID Supported Supported
Syntax Supported Supported
MaxRange Supported Supported
MinRange Supported Supported
Multivalued Supported Supported


Provider Support for IADsSyntax

Property LDAP WinNT
OleAutoDataType Supported Supported


Provider Support for IADsContainer

Property LDAP WinNT
Count Not implemented Not implemented
Hints Supported Not implemented
Filter Supported Supported


Provider Support for IADsNamespaces

Property LDAP WinNT
defaultContainer Supported Supported


Provider Support for IADsAccessControlEntry

Property LDAP WinNT
AccessMask Supported Unsupported
AccessType Supported Unsupported
AccessFlags Supported Unsupported
Flags Supported Unsupported
ObjectType Supported Unsupported
InheritedObjectType Supported Unsupported
Trustee Supported Unsupported


Provider Support for IADsAccessControlList

Property LDAP WinNT
AceCount Supported Unsupported
AceRevision Supported Unsupported
Method LDAP WinNT
AddAce Supported Unsupported
CopyAccessList Supported Unsupported
RemoveAce Supported Unsupported
get__NewEnum Supported Unsupported


Provider Support for IADsSecurityDescriptor

Property LDAP WinNT
Control Supported Unsupported
DaclDefaulted Supported Unsupported
DiscretionaryAcl Supported Unsupported
Group Supported Unsupported
GroupDefaulted Supported Unsupported
Owner Supported Unsupported
OwnerDefaulted Supported Unsupported
SaclDefaulted Supported Unsupported
SystemAcl Supported Unsupported
Method LDAP WinNT
CopySecurityDescriptor Supported Unsupported


Provider Support for IADsObjectOptions

Method LDAP WinNT
GetOption Supported Interface not supported
SetOption Supported Interface not supported


Provider Support for IADsCollection

Method LDAP WinNT
Add Interface not supported Unsupported
get__NewEnum Interface not supported Supported
GetObject Interface not supported Supported
Remove Interface not supported Supported


Provider Support for IADsMembers

Property LDAP WinNT
Count Supported for GroupCollection, but not for UserCollection Unsupported
Filter Supported Supported
Method LDAP WinNT
get__NewEnum Supported Supported


Provider Support for IADsPathname

Property LDAP WinNT
EscapedMode Supported Supported
Method LDAP WinNT
Set Supported Supported
SetDisplayType Supported Supported
Retrieve Supported Supported
GetNumElements Supported Supported
GetElement Supported Supported
GetEscapedElement Supported Unsupported
RemoveLeafElement Supported Supported
CopyPath Supported Supported


Provider Support for IADsPrintQueue

Property LDAP WinNT
PrinterPath Supported Unsupported
Model Supported Supported.
Datatype Unsupported Supported
PrintProcessor Unsupported Supported
Description Supported Supported
Location Supported Supported
StartTime Supported Supported
UntilTime Supported Supported
DefaultJobPriority Unsupported Supported
Priority Supported Supported
BannerPage Supported Supported
PrintDevices Supported Supported
NetAddresses Unsupported Unsupported


Provider Support for IADsPrintQueueOperations

Property LDAP WinNT
Status Supported Supported
Method LDAP WinNT
Pause Supported Supported.
PrintJobs Supported Supported
Purge Supported Supported
Resume Supported Supported