Provider Support of ADSI Interfaces
The following table lists a brief description of the interfaces supported by the providers included with ADSI for Windows 2000 and DS Client. An entry marked with "Yes" indicates that at least one ADSI object of the specified provider supports the associated interface. "No" indicates that no object of the provider supports the interface in this release. In the future, currently unsupported interfaces may become supported by the system-supplied providers.
For more information about ADSI provider-specific implementation details, see:
For more information about which property or method is supported for each interface, click the appropriate interface name in the first column of the table.
Property | LDAP | WinNT |
AccountDisabled | Supported | Supported |
AccountExpirationDate | Supported | Supported |
BadLoginAddress | Unsupported | Not supported |
BadLoginCount | Supported | Supported |
Department | Supported | Unsupported |
Description | Supported | Supported |
Division | Supported | Unsupported |
EmailAddress | Supported | Unsupported |
EmployeeID | Supported | Unsupported |
FaxNumber | Supported | Unsupported |
FirstName | Supported | Unsupported |
FullName | Supported | Supported |
GraceLoginsAllowed | Not Supported | Unsupported |
GraceLoginsRemaining | Not Supported | Unsupported |
HomeDirectory | Supported | Supported |
HomePage | Supported | Unsupported |
IsAccountLocked | Supported | Supported |
Languages | Not Supported | Unsupported |
LastFailedLogin | Supported | Unsupported |
LastLogin | Supported | Supported |
LastLogoff | Supported | Supported |
LastName | Supported | Unsupported |
LoginHours | Supported | Supported |
LoginScript | Supported | Supported |
LoginWorkstations | Supported | Supported |
Manager | Supported | Unsupported |
MaxLogins | Unsupported | Unsupported |
MaxStorage | Supported | Supported |
NamePrefix | Supported | Unsupported |
NameSuffix | Supported | Unsupported |
OfficeLocations | Supported | Unsupported |
OtherName | Supported | Unsupported |
PasswordExpirationDate | Unsupported | Supported |
PasswordLastChanged | Supported | Unsupported |
PasswordMinimumLength | Unsupported | Supported |
PasswordRequired | Supported | Supported |
Picture | Supported | Unsupported |
PostalAddresses | Supported | Unsupported |
PostalCodes | Supported | Unsupported |
Profile | Supported | Supported |
RequireUniquePassword | Unsupported | Unsupported |
SeeAlso | Supported | Unsupported |
TelephoneHome | Supported | Unsupported |
TelephoneMobile | Supported | Unsupported |
TelephoneNumber | Supported | Unsupported |
TelephonePager | Supported | Unsupported |
Title | Supported | Unsupported |
Properties | LDAP | WinNT |
ComputerID | Interface not supported | Unsupported |
Department | Interface not supported | Unsupported |
Description | Interface not supported | Unsupported |
Division | Interface not supported | Supported |
Location | Interface not supported | Unsupported |
MemorySize | Interface not supported | Unsupported |
Model | Interface not supported | Unsupported |
NetAddresses | Interface not supported | Unsupported |
OperatingSystem | Interface not supported | Supported |
OperatingSystemVersion | Interface not supported | Supported |
Owner | Interface not supported | Supported |
PrimaryUser | Interface not supported | Unsupported |
Processor | Interface not supported | Supported |
ProcessorCount | Interface not supported | Supported |
Role | Interface not supported | Unsupported |
Site | Interface not supported | Unsupported |
StorageCapacity | Interface not supported | Unsupported |
Property | LDAP | WinNT |
Shutdown | Interface not supported | Not implemented |
Status | Interface not supported | Not implemented |
Property | LDAP | WinNT |
IsWorkgroup | Interface not supported | Not implemented |
MinPasswordLength | Interface not supported | Supported |
MinPasswordAge | Interface not supported | Supported |
MaxpasswordAge | Interface not supported | Supported |
MaxBadPasswordsAllowed | Interface not supported | Supported |
PasswordHistoryLength | Interface not supported | Supported |
PasswordAttributes | Interface not supported | Unsupported |
AutoUnlockInterval | Interface not supported | Supported |
LockoutObservationInterval | Interface not supported | Supported |
Property | LDAP | WinNT |
Description | Interface not supported | Supported |
MaxUserCount | Interface not supported | Supported |
Property | LDAP | WinNT |
Description | Supported | Supported |
Property | LDAP | WinNT |
PrimaryInterface | Supported | Supported |
CLSID | Supported | Supported |
OID | Supported | Supported |
Abstract | Supported | Supported |
Auxiliary | Supported | Supported |
MandatoryProperties | Supported | Supported |
OptionalProperties | Supported | Supported |
NamingProperties | Supported | Not implemented |
DerivedFrom | Supported | Unsupported |
AuxDerivedFrom | Supported | Unsupported |
PossibleSuperiors | Supported | Supported |
Containment | Supported for read | Supported |
Container | Supported for read | Supported |
HelpFileName | Supported | Supported |
HelpFileContext | Supported | Supported |
Method | LDAP | WinNT |
Qualifiers | Not implemented | Not implemented |
Property | LDAP | WinNT |
OID | Supported | Supported |
Syntax | Supported | Supported |
MaxRange | Supported | Supported |
MinRange | Supported | Supported |
Multivalued | Supported | Supported |
Property | LDAP | WinNT |
OleAutoDataType | Supported | Supported |
Property | LDAP | WinNT |
Count | Not implemented | Not implemented |
Hints | Supported | Not implemented |
Filter | Supported | Supported |
Property | LDAP | WinNT |
defaultContainer | Supported | Supported |
Property | LDAP | WinNT |
AccessMask | Supported | Unsupported |
AccessType | Supported | Unsupported |
AccessFlags | Supported | Unsupported |
Flags | Supported | Unsupported |
ObjectType | Supported | Unsupported |
InheritedObjectType | Supported | Unsupported |
Trustee | Supported | Unsupported |
Property | LDAP | WinNT |
AceCount | Supported | Unsupported |
AceRevision | Supported | Unsupported |
Method | LDAP | WinNT |
AddAce | Supported | Unsupported |
CopyAccessList | Supported | Unsupported |
RemoveAce | Supported | Unsupported |
get__NewEnum | Supported | Unsupported |
Property | LDAP | WinNT |
Control | Supported | Unsupported |
DaclDefaulted | Supported | Unsupported |
DiscretionaryAcl | Supported | Unsupported |
Group | Supported | Unsupported |
GroupDefaulted | Supported | Unsupported |
Owner | Supported | Unsupported |
OwnerDefaulted | Supported | Unsupported |
SaclDefaulted | Supported | Unsupported |
SystemAcl | Supported | Unsupported |
Method | LDAP | WinNT |
CopySecurityDescriptor | Supported | Unsupported |
Method | LDAP | WinNT |
GetOption | Supported | Interface not supported |
SetOption | Supported | Interface not supported |
Method | LDAP | WinNT |
Add | Interface not supported | Unsupported |
get__NewEnum | Interface not supported | Supported |
GetObject | Interface not supported | Supported |
Remove | Interface not supported | Supported |
Property | LDAP | WinNT |
Count | Supported for GroupCollection, but not for UserCollection | Unsupported |
Filter | Supported | Supported |
Method | LDAP | WinNT |
get__NewEnum | Supported | Supported |
Property | LDAP | WinNT |
EscapedMode | Supported | Supported |
Method | LDAP | WinNT |
Set | Supported | Supported |
SetDisplayType | Supported | Supported |
Retrieve | Supported | Supported |
GetNumElements | Supported | Supported |
GetElement | Supported | Supported |
GetEscapedElement | Supported | Unsupported |
RemoveLeafElement | Supported | Supported |
CopyPath | Supported | Supported |
Property | LDAP | WinNT |
PrinterPath | Supported | Unsupported |
Model | Supported | Supported. |
Datatype | Unsupported | Supported |
PrintProcessor | Unsupported | Supported |
Description | Supported | Supported |
Location | Supported | Supported |
StartTime | Supported | Supported |
UntilTime | Supported | Supported |
DefaultJobPriority | Unsupported | Supported |
Priority | Supported | Supported |
BannerPage | Supported | Supported |
PrintDevices | Supported | Supported |
NetAddresses | Unsupported | Unsupported |
Property | LDAP | WinNT |
Status | Supported | Supported |
Method | LDAP | WinNT |
Pause | Supported | Supported. |
PrintJobs | Supported | Supported |
Purge | Supported | Supported |
Resume | Supported | Supported |