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IADs Property Methods

The property methods of the IADs interface get or set the properties described in the following table. For more information about property methods, see Interface Property Methods.



The ADsPath string of this object. The string uniquely identifies this object in a network environment. The object can always be retrieved using this path.

Access type: Read-only

Scripting data type: BSTR

// C++ method syntax
HRESULT get_ADsPath(
  [out] BSTR* pbstrADsPath


The name of the object Schema class.

Access type: Read-only

Scripting data type: BSTR

// C++ method syntax
HRESULT get_Class(
  [out] BSTR* pbstrClass


The globally unique identifier of the directory object. The IADs interface converts the GUID from an octet string, as stored on a directory server, into a string format.

Access type: Read-only

Scripting data type: BSTR

// C++ method syntax
  [out] BSTR* pbstrGUID


The relative name of the object as named within the underlying directory service. This name distinguishes this object from its siblings.

Access type: Read-only

Scripting data type: BSTR

// C++ method syntax
HRESULT get_Name(
  [out] BSTR* pbstrName


The ADsPath string of the parent container. Active Directory does not permit the formation of the ADsPath of a given object by concatenating the Parent and Name properties. While this operation might work in some providers, it is not guaranteed to work for all implementations. The ADsPath is guaranteed to be valid and should always be used to retrieve an object's interface pointer.

Access type: Read-only

Scripting data type: BSTR

// C++ method syntax
HRESULT get_Parent(
  [out] BSTR* pbstrParent


The ADsPath string of the Schema class object of this object.

Access type: Read-only

Scripting data type: BSTR

// C++ method syntax
HRESULT get_Schema(
  [out] BSTR* pbstrSchema


In Active Directory, the GUID returned from GUID is a string of hexadecimals. Use the resultant GUID to bind to the object directly.

Dim x As IADs
Set x = GetObject("LDAP://servername/<GUID=xxx>")

where xxx is the value returned from the GUID property. For more information, see Using objectGUID to Bind to an Object. Be aware that if you use a GUID to bind to an object, the ADsPath property method returns values that are different from the normal values that would be returned if you used a distinguished name (DN) to bind to the same object. For example, the following table lists the values returned when using the two different binding methods to bind to the same user object.

Bind using DN Bind using GUID
Name CN=Jeff Smith CN=Jeff Smith
Parent LDAP://server/CN=Users,DC=Fabrikam,DC=com LDAP://server/CN=Users,DC=Fabrikam,DC=com
ADsPath LDAP://server/CN=Jeff Smith,CN=Users,DC=Fabrikam,DC=com LDAP://server/<GUID=c0f59dfcf507d311a99e0000f879f7c7>


The WinNT provider does not support binding using the object GUID, and returns the GUID property in a slightly different string format.


The following code example shows how to retrieve object data using property methods of the IADs interface.

Dim x As IADs
Dim parent As IADsContainer
Dim cls As IADsClass
Dim op As Variant

On Error GoTo Cleanup

Set x = GetObject("WinNT://Fabrikam/Administrator")
Debug.Print "Object Name: " & x.Name
Debug.Print "Object Path: " & x.ADsPath
Debug.Print "Object Class: " & x.Class
' Get more data about the object schema.
Set cls = GetObject(x.Schema)
Debug.Print "Class Name is: " & cls.Name
For Each op In cls.OptionalProperties
    Debug.Print "Optional Property: " & op
Next op

    If (Err.Number<>0) Then
        MsgBox("An error has occurred. " & Err.Number)
    End If
    Set x = Nothing
    Set parent = Nothing
    Set cls = Nothing

The following code example shows how to retrieve object data using property methods of the IADs interface.


Dim x 
On Error Resume Next
Set x = GetObject("WinNT://Fabrikam/Administrator")
Response.Write "Object Name: " & x.Name & "<br>"
Response.Write "Object Path: " & x.ADsPath & "<br>"
Response.Write "Object Class: " & x.Class & "<br>"
' Get more data about the object schema.
Set cls = GetObject(x.Schema)
Response.Write "Class Name is: " & cls.Name & "<br>"
For Each op In cls.OptionalProperties
    Response.Write "Optional Property: " & op & "<br>"
Next op


The following code example shows how to work with the property methods of the IADs interface.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <activeds.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    IADs *pADs = NULL;
    IADsUser *pADsUser = NULL;
    IADsClass *pCls = NULL;
    CComBSTR sbstr;
    HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
    if (hr != S_OK) { return 0; }
                (void**) &pADsUser);
    if (hr != S_OK) { goto Cleanup; }
    hr = pADsUser->QueryInterface(IID_IADs, (void**) &pADs);
    if( hr !=S_OK) { goto Cleanup;}
    if( S_OK == pADs->get_Name(&sbstr) ) {
        printf("Object Name: %S\n",sbstr);
    if( S_OK == pADs->get_ADsPath(&sbstr) ) {
        printf("Object path: %S\n",sbstr);
    if( S_OK == pADs->get_Class(&sbstr) ) {
        printf("Object class: %S\n",sbstr);
    hr = pADs->get_Schema(&sbstr);
    if ( hr != S_OK) {goto Cleanup;}
    hr = ADsGetObject(sbstr,IID_IADsClass, (void**)&pCls);
    if ( hr != S_OK) {goto Cleanup;}
    if( S_OK == pCls->get_Name(&sbstr) ) {
        printf("Class name is %S\n", sbstr);




        return 1;
        return 0;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows Vista
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008
IID_IADs is defined as FD8256D0-FD15-11CE-ABC4-02608C9E7553

See also

