IHTMLAnchorElement2::type Property

Gets or sets the MIME type of the object.


HRESULT IHTMLAnchorElement2::get_type(BSTR *p);
HRESULT IHTMLAnchorElement2::put_type(BSTR v);


  • p
    Pointer to a variable of type BSTR that receives the MIME type of the object.
  • v
    BSTR that specifies the MIME type of the object.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.


MIME is an abbreviation for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension, and is a set of enhancements used with Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Used together, MIME and SMTP allow Internet messages to include a mixture of audio, images, video, and text components, and accommodate a variety of international character sets.

In Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, This property now applies to the a, link, and script objects.

See Also
