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DisplayPushpinMap method

Displays the DataSet object as a Pushpin map. By default, data sets that are imported or linked are shown as Pushpin sets. Fails for DataSet objects with a HowCreated property of geoDataSetDemographic or DataMapType property of geoDataMapTypeTerritory.

Applies to

Objects:  DataSet




Part Description
object Required. An expression that returns a DataSet object.


To open the Data Mapping Wizard for user input, use the ShowDataMappingWizard method on the DataSets collection.


    Sub GetInfoAboutDataMap()
    Dim objApp As New mappoint.Application
    Dim objDataMap As mappoint.DataMap
    Dim objDataSet As mappoint.DataSet

    'Set up application and objects to use     objApp.Visible = True     objApp.UserControl = True
    'Let user create data map:     Set objDataMap = objApp.ActiveMap.DataSets.ShowDataMappingWizard()     Set objDataSet = objDataMap.Parent     If objDataSet.HowCreated <> geoDataSetImport Then       MsgBox "This sample requires imported data."       Exit Sub     End If     MsgBox "When you are done viewing the data map, press OK."
    'Reverts the imported data to a Pushpin map:     objDataSet.DisplayPushpinMap   End Sub