.NET Framework

Welcome to the Microsoft® .NET Framework version 1.1. The .NET Framework is the programming model for the .NET platform. The key components of the .NET Framework are the common language runtime and the .NET Framework class library, which includes ADO.NET, ASP.NET, and Windows Forms. The .NET Framework provides a managed execution environment, simplified development and deployment, and integration with a wide variety of programming languages. For a brief introduction to the architecture of the .NET Framework, see Overview of the .NET Framework.

The documentation for the .NET Framework includes an extensive class library reference; conceptual overviews; step-by-step procedures; information about samples, compilers, and command-line tools; and tutorials that demonstrate how to create specific types of applications. To locate the information that interests you most, see the following list of main topic areas. In addition to the following list, see Documentation Map by Technology to locate information about the core features of the .NET Framework.

In the .NET Framework Documentation

  • Getting Started
    Familiarizes you with the fundamentals of the .NET Framework and offers strategies to help you use the .NET Framework quickly and efficiently. This section also includes the following topics:
  • Inside the .NET Framework
    Describes key .NET Framework concepts such as the common language runtime, the common type system (CTS), cross-language interoperability, managed execution, assemblies, and security.
  • Side-by-Side Execution
    Briefly describes side-by-side execution and provides links to detailed side-by-side topics in the .NET Framework documentation.
  • Programming with the .NET Framework
    Explains common programming tasks that apply to a range of .NET Framework applications. Topics include accessing data, extending metadata, handling and throwing exceptions, processing transactions, and securing applications.
  • Building Applications
    Provides instructive overviews and detailed, step-by-step procedures for creating particular categories of applications, such as ASP.NET applications and Windows Forms applications. This section also describes the .NET Framework design-time architecture and illustrates how you can add design-time functionality to your applications.
  • Debugging and Profiling Applications
    Explains how to test, optimize, and profile .NET Framework applications and the application environment. This section includes information for administrators as well as developers.
  • Deploying Applications
    Shows how to create a self-described, self-contained application, whether the application is a Windows Forms application, an ASP.NET application, or a control to download.
  • Configuring Applications
    Explains how developers and administrators can apply settings to various types of configuration files.
  • Reference
    Provides complete reference documentation for the .NET Framework, including the following main sections:
    • Class Library

      Supplies syntax, code examples, and related information for each class contained in the .NET Framework namespaces.

    • Compiler and Language Reference

      Contains compiler references — including command-line options and warning and error codes — and language references for the four compilers that are included in Visual Studio .NET: C#, Visual Basic, JScript, and Managed Extensions for C++.

    • Configuration File Schema

      Describes the configuration schema for various sections, such as assembly binding, remoting, and ASP.NET.

    • ASP.NET Syntax

      Describes the ASP.NET syntax for Web Forms pages, Web server controls, HTML server controls, and validation server controls.

    • XML Schema Reference (XSD)

      Documents the XML Schema definition (XSD) language, as defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

    • Regular Expression Language Elements

      Details the set of characters, operators, and constructs that define regular expressions.

    • CodeDOM Quick Reference

      Provides a table that enables easy search of Code Document Object Model (CodeDOM) elements by type and function.

    • Performance Counters

      Lists and describes a set of counters that you can use to track the performance of an application.

    • Design Guidelines for Class Library Developers

      Provides naming and usage guidelines for types in the .NET Framework as well as guidelines for implementing common design patterns.

  • Tools and Debugger
    Provides detailed information about each of the tools included in the .NET Framework.
  • QuickStarts
    Provides brief descriptions of QuickStart samples included in the .NET Framework, gives the Web site location for viewing the QuickStart samples online, and supplies the path for installing the samples. The QuickStart samples consist of code, instructional text, and graphics that illustrate the implementation of the code.
  • Samples
    Provides brief descriptions of samples included in the .NET Framework and supplies the installation path for installing the samples.
  • Tutorials
    Demonstrates, by means of descriptions, illustrations, and sequential procedures, how to create specific .NET Framework applications and components.
  • Glossary
    Offers concise definitions for key .NET Framework terminology.

Additional Information

  • Visual Studio .NET
    Introduces Visual Studio .NET and provides easy access to the main areas of the Visual Studio .NET documentation.