Rule Engine Deployment Wizard UI Help


Use the Rule Engine Deployment Wizard to import business rule policies from a Business Rule Language (BRL) file and publish them to an SQL rule store, to export policies from an SQL rule store to a BRL file, to deploy published policies, or to undeploy deployed policies. See How to Import and Export Policies and Vocabularies and How to Deploy and Undeploy Policies and Vocabularies.

Policy and rules UI options

You can use it in development, staging, and production environments.

Use this To do this
Deploy Policy page Deploy a published policy version in the SQL rule store. Click the Refresh button to reload all published policy versions.
Undeploy Policy page Undeploy a published policy version in the SQL rule store. Click the Refresh button to reload all published policy versions.
Import Rules Engine Policy /Vocabulary File page Browse or enter the path for the BRL file that you wish to import.
Ready This page summarizes information for a deployment action (import/export), such as SQL server, database, file name, and policy name.
Export Policy/Vocabulary page Select whether you want to export a policy or vocabulary, select a policy version or vocabulary version to export from the drop-down list, and specify a definition file to export to.
Completing Rule Engine Deployment Wizard Page You check Run this wizard again check box and click Finish button to continue with other deployment tasks, or click only the Finish button to complete the deployment process.

See Also

How to Deploy and Undeploy Policies and Vocabularies
How to Import and Export Policies and Vocabularies