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Registering a Connector with the MCF

Your connector must perform several steps before it can begin to collect or send alert data using the MOM Connector Framework (MCF). First, you must register the connector with the MCF.

The registration process should be performed only once, unless you must change the connector's name, ID, or resolution state for some reason.

Registering a Connector that Sends Alert Data to MOM

For connectors that pass alert information to MOM from other systems, the registration process does the following:

  • Assigns the connector a unique name.
  • Assigns the connector a unique ID.

Registration is performed by calling the FrameworkBase.Setup method. The Setup method has two overloads. Connectors that insert alerts into MOM, but do not need to forward MOM alerts to other systems, should use the overload that accepts only one parameter:

public Guid Setup(ForwardeeInfo forwardeeInfo);

The Setup method stores the display name of the connector in the MOM system and it returns a GUID to identify the connector in subsequent calls to the MCF.

After registration is complete, the connector is ready for initializing.

Registering a Connector that Receives Alert Data from MOM

For connectors that forward MOM alert information to other systems, the registration process does the following:

  • Assigns the connector a unique name.
  • Creates a new resolution state for the connector.
  • Assigns the connector a unique ID.

If the connector is sending MOM alert data to other systems, you will need a mechanism to indicate which MOM alerts should be forwarded to the connector. The MCF uses a custom resolution state value to flag alerts for forwarding to a specific connector.

Connectors that need to forward MOM alerts to other systems should use the Setup method overload that accepts two parameters:

public Guid Setup(ForwardeeInfo forwardeeInfo, byte resolutionState);

The resolutionState parameter specifies an ID for the connector's custom resolution state. The resolution state must not be in use by MOM, or another connector.

As part of the registration process, you can also specify the age of the oldest alerts that the connector is interested in receiving. The SetBookmark method is used to specify this date and time. If you do not call SetBookmark after registering the connector, all open alerts in the appropriate resolution state will be returned by the initial call to the GetData method.

Note Note   

The SetBookmark method can be called at any time by a registered connector to reset its bookmark.

After registration is complete, the connector is ready for initializing.

See Also

Removing a Connector from the MCF | Initializing a Connector | Working with Date and Time Values in the MCF | FrameworkBase.Setup