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CustomerDataService.DeleteDataSource Method

CustomerDataService.DeleteDataSource Method

Enables you to delete custom data sources from the production or staging environment. This method returns a unique job ID that can be used in subsequent calls.

Public Function DeleteDataSource(DataSourceName As String, Environment As LocationDataEnvironment) As String

public string DeleteDataSource(string DataSourceName, LocationDataEnvironment Environment);


  • DataSourceName
    The name of the data source to delete. Required.


The JobState enumeration is set to Pending during data deletion and CompletedSuccess after the data has been successfully deleted.

Caution When a data source is deleted from the servers, it can not be recovered. All data in the data source will be lost.


[Visual Basic]

Dim locationDataEnv As LocationDataEnvironment = LocationDataEnvironment.Staging
Dim testDS As String = "TestDataset"
Dim jobId As String = cds.DeleteDataSource(testDS, locationDataEnv)


   LocationDataEnvironment locationDataEnv = LocationDataEnvironment.Staging;
   string testDS = "TestDataset";
   string jobId = cds.DeleteDataSource(testDS, locationDataEnv);