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This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.

The following samples accompany the HD DVD Interactivity Jumpstart download.

Hello World Sample

The Hello World sample plays back a simple video and writes the phrase "Hello World" in big letters on the screen. This sample demonstrates the minimum resources needed for a trivial HD DVD application, and illustrates the relationship between playlist files, manifest files and markup files.

Button Sample

The Button sample places two buttons with the text "Hello World!" on the display. When the user changes focus between buttons, or selects a button, the background images are updated. This sample demonstrates how to write a simple button and respond to state changes by using markup and simple XPath queries.

Chapter Sample

The Chapter sample shows an FBI warning screen and then plays a video while displaying three chapter selection buttons. When a chapter button is activated, the video jumps to a different position. This sample demonstrates multiple titles, chapter selection, use of script, button opacity, and video playback.

See Also