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The EXTENDED_NOTIFICATION structure describes information relating to an event that is service provider-specific.


typedef struct _EXTENDED_NOTIFICATION { 
  ULONG ulEvent; 
  ULONG cb; 
  LPBYTE pbEventParameters; 


  • ulEvent
    Extended event code that is defined by the provider.
  • cb
    Count of bytes in the event-specific parameters pointed to by pbEventParameters.
  • pbEventParameters
    Pointer to event-specific parameters. The type of parameters used depends on the value of the ulEvent member; these parameters are documented by the provider that issued the event.


This type is supported, but the notification that uses it (fnevExtended) is never sent by MAPI.

The EXTENDED_NOTIFICATION structure is one of the members of the union of structures included in the info member of the NOTIFICATION structure. When the info member of a NOTIFICATION structure contains an EXTENDED_NOTIFICATION structure, the ulEventType member of the NOTIFICATION structure is set to fnevExtended.

The extended event is defined by a service provider to represent a type of change that cannot be covered by any of the other predefined events. Only clients that know before they register that a service provider supports an extended event can register for that event. It is not possible for clients to determine without advanced knowledge whether a service provider supports an extended event and, if it does, how to handle such an event when it is received.

An extended notification is sent by the session when a client logs off. Register for this notification by calling IMAPISession::Advise with the lpEntryID parameter set to NULL and the cbEntryID parameter set to zero.


Pocket PC: Windows Mobile 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: mapidefs.h

See Also

MAPI Structures



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