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This function retrieves information about all databases of a given type residing on the Microsoft® Windows® CE device. The function copies information to an array of CEDB_FIND_DATA structures.

CeFindAllDatabases is a RAPI that enables an application that is running on a desktop computer to make function calls on a Windows CE–based device.

STDAPI_(BOOL) CeFindAllDatabases(
  DWORD dwDbaseType, 
  WORD wFlags, 
  LPWORD cFindData, 


  • dwDbaseType
    [in] Specifies the type identifier of the databases to seek.

  • wFlags
    [in] Members of the CEDB_FIND_DATA structure that are to be retrieved. This parameter can be a combination of the following values.

    Value Description
    FAD_OID Retrieves the OidDb member.
    FAD_FLAGS Retrieves the DbInfo.dwFlags member.
    FAD_NAME Retrieves the DbInfo.szDbaseName member.
    FAD_TYPE Retrieves the DbInfo.dwDbaseType member.
    FAD_NUM_RECORDS Retrieves the DbInfo.dwNumRecords member.
    FAD_NUM_SORT_ORDER Retrieves the DbInfo.dwNumSortOrder member.
    FAD_SORT_SPECS Retrieves the DbInfo.rgSortSpecs member.
  • cFindData
    [out] Pointer to a variable that receives a count of the items found.

  • ppFindData
    [out] Pointer to the pointer to an array of CEDB_FIND_DATA structures that receive information about the found items. It is the application's responsibility to free the memory used by the array. To free the memory the application must call CeRapiFreeBuffer.

Return Values

TRUE indicates success. FALSE indicates failure. To determine whether a function failed because of RAPI errors, call CeRapiGetError. To determine whether a function failed because of non-RAPI errors, call CeGetLastError.


Pocket PC Platforms: Pocket PC 2000 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: rapi.h
Library: rapi.lib

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