
This function adds a notification (asynchronously) to the notification tray.

LRESULT SHNotificationAdd(


  • pndAdd
    Reference to the notification to be added.

Return Values

ERROR_SUCCESS indicates success.


This API is called to add a notification to the tray. Notification processing is done asynchronously; that is, this function will return after adding the notification to the tray, and processing will happen on a different thread.

To customize the physical behaviour for a notification, create a CLSID for the notification class (passed into SHNotificationAdd), and create the registry key:

@="Name"                    ; this is what appears in Settings - if you don't want to allow user customization, don't add this default value
"Options"=dword:1         ; notification flags
"Duration"=dword:0        ; duration in minutes of LED flashing
"Wave"="wavefile"          ; default is in the Windows folder. There is no extension on the file

The following table lists the possible values for the Options parameter.

Notification flag Value Description
NOTIF_SOUND 0x00000001 Sound notification.
NOTIF_VIBRATE 0x00000002 Vibrate notification.
NOTIF_FLASH 0x00000004 ROM notification.
NOTIF_MESSAGE 0x00000008 Message notification.


Smartphone: Not Supported
Pocket PC: Windows Mobile 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: aygshell.h
Library: aygshell.lib

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