Remote API Structures

The following structures are used with the Remote API (RAPI).

Structure Description
CE_FIND_DATA Describes a file found by the CeFindAllFiles function.
CEBLOB Contains information about a binary large object (BLOB) of data in the object store.
CEDB_FIND_DATA Contains information about a database in the Microsoft® Windows® CE object store. This structure is used by the CeFindAllDatabases function.
CEDBASEINFO Contains information about a database object and is used by the CeSetDatabaseInfo and CeCreateDatabaseEx functions.
CEDIRINFO Contains information about a directory object.
CEFILEINFO Contains information about a file object.
CEGUID Contains the globally unique identifier (GUID) of a mounted database.
CENOTIFICATION Contains information about a change in the object store or a mounted database volume.
CENOTIFYREQUEST Contains information to initialize the database and object store notification process.
CEOIDINFO Contains information about an object in the object store or database volume.
CEOSVERSIONINFO Contains operating system version information.
CEPROPVAL Contains a property value.
CERECORDINFO Contains information about a record object.
RAPIINIT Contains information used to initialize a RAPI connection.
SORTORDERSPEC Contains information about a sort order in a database.
STORE_INFORMATION Contains the size of the object store and the amount of free space currently in the object store.
SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS_EX Contains information about the power status of the system.

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