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CM_Networks Configuration Service Provider

The CM_Networks Configuration Service Provider configures network connections on the device.

Note Access to this Configuration Service Provider is determined by Security roles. Because OEMs and Mobile Operators can selectively disallow access, ask them about the availability of this Configuration Service Provider. For more information, see Security Roles.

This Configuration Service Provider is configured with the following four networks by default:

  • The Internet
  • Work (Corporate Network)
  • WAP Network
  • Secure WAP Network

Each network contains an associated GUID, which identifies the metanetwork inside other connection service providers.


  • <NetworkName>
    User-friendly, unique network name. Some possible networks are The Internet, My Corporate Network, WAP Network, Secure WAP Network, CurrentDTPTNetwork.


  • Desc.<langid>
    This parm is used in the <NetworkName> characteristic. A tag in the format of Desc.<langid> will be used as the language specific identifier for that network. For example, the field <parm name="Desc.0409" value="The Internet" /> will force "The Internet" to be displayed on the user interface (UI) to represent this connection when the device is set to English language (language ID 0409).

    You can provision descriptions for multiple languages. The operating system automatically switches among these languages if the user changes language preferences on the device. If a "no Desc" tag is provisioned for a specific language, the system defaults to the value specified in the <NetworkName> tag.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Semantic Type Invisible
    Roles allowed to query and update setting Manager


  • DestID
    This parm is used in the <NetworkName> characteristic as a globally unique identifier (GUID) that represents the unique ID of the network to which it may be connected. For predefined GUID values IID_DestNet*, which are preprovisioned, see the connmgr.h header file.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type String
    Label Connects to
    Roles allowed to query and update setting Manager



Elements Available
noparm No
nocharacteristic Yes
characteristic-query Yes
parm-query Yes

For information about specific elements, see MSPROV DTD Elements.

See Also

Configuration Service Provider Reference for Windows Mobile Devices| CM_Networks Configuration Service Provider Examples| Configuring the Connection Manager Using the Default Mappings and Network Information

Last updated on Friday, April 22, 2005

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