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The REPLSETUP structure is used to initiate an object handler.


typedef struct tagReplSetup {
  UINT cbStruct;
  BOOL fRead;
  DWORD dwFlags;
  IReplNotify * pNotify;
  DWORD oid;
  DWORD oidNew;
  IReplStore * pStore;
  HREPLFLD hFolder;
  LPBYTE lpbVolumeID;
  UINT cbVolumeID;


  • cbStruct
    Specifies the size of this structure
  • fRead
    Specifies a Boolean value; TRUE if an object will be read and FALSE if an object will be written.
  • dwFlags
    Specifies information about an object. See Remarks for the possible values.
  • hr
    [out] Specifies the result of the read/write operation.
  • szObjType
    A null-terminated string that specifies the name of the object type.
  • pNotify
    Reference to the Windows CE IReplNotify:IUnknown interface.
  • oid
    Specifies an object ID.
  • oidNew
    [out] Specifies an ID for a new object. This is different from the object ID specified by oid.
  • pStore
    Reference to an IReplStore interface.
  • hFolder
    Specifies a handle to the folder.
  • hItem
    [in/out] Specifies a handle to the object to be read or written.
  • lpbVolumeID
    Specifies a volume ID containing the object.
  • cbVolumeID
    Specifies the size of lpbVolumeID, in bytes.


The following table lists the possible values for dwFlags.

Flag Value Description
RSF_CONFLICT_OBJECT 0x00000001 Reading or writing a conflicting object.
RSF_NEW_OBJECT 0x00000002 A new object to be written.
RSF_DUPLICATED_OBJECT 0x00000004 An object is an exact duplicate of an existing object.
RSF_COMBINE 0x00000008 An object is being written to the desktop computer, and there are objects on the desktop computer to combine with the object.
RSF_SYNC_DEVICE_ONLY 0x00000010 An object should be synchronized from the device to the desktop computer only.
RSF_SYNC_DESKTOP_ONLY 0x00000020 An object should be synchronized from the desktop to the device only.
RSF_UPDATED_HANDLE 0x00000040 A new object with an ID that already exists.
RSF_DISCARDED_OBJ 0x00000080 An object is specified by the Windows CE DeleteObject function, or the object is deleted because the IReplObjHandler::SetPacket method returned RERR_DISCARD.
RSF_NEW_VOLUME 0x00000100 An object is used only by ActiveSync service manager.
RSF_AUTO_COMBINE 0x00000200 An object is being written to the desktop computer, and there are no items on the desktop computer to combine with the object.
RSF_RESERVED1 0x00100000 Reserved by ActiveSync manager: DO NOT USE.
RSF_RESERVED2 0x00200000 Reserved by ActiveSync manager: DO NOT USE.
RSF_RESERVED3 0x00400000 Reserved by ActiveSync manager: DO NOT USE.
RSF_RESERVED4 0x00800000 Reserved by ActiveSync manager: DO NOT USE.

The pStore, hFolder, and hItem members are only for applications on the desktop computer that communicate with Windows Mobile-based devices.

lpbVolumeID is NULL when an object is stored in the default volume or RAM.


Smartphone: Windows Mobile 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: cesync.h

See Also

ActiveSync API Structures






Last updated on Friday, April 22, 2005

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