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This enumeration provides values that identify types of camera settings.

typedef enum {
    CameraControl_Pan = 1,
} CameraControlProperty;


  • CameraControl_Pan
    Identifies the camera's pan setting, in degrees. Values range from –180 to +180, with the default set to zero. Positive values are clockwise from the origin (the camera rotates clockwise when viewed from above), and negative values are counterclockwise from the origin.

  • CameraControl_Tilt
    Identifies the camera's tilt setting, in degrees. Values range from –180 to +180, with the default set to zero. Positive values point the imaging plane up, and negative values point the imaging plane down.

  • CameraControl_Roll
    Identifies the camera's roll setting, in degrees. Values range from –180 to +180, with the default set to zero. Positive values cause a clockwise rotation of the camera along the image-viewing axis, and negative values cause a counterclockwise rotation of the camera.

  • CameraControl_Zoom
    Identifies the camera's zoom setting, in millimeters. Values range from 10 to 600, and the default is specific to the device.

  • CameraControl_Exposure
    Identifies the exposure setting, in log base 2 seconds. In other words, for values less than zero, the exposure time is 1/2n seconds, and for values zero or above, the exposure time is 2n seconds. For example:

    Value Seconds
    -3 1/8
    -2 1/4
    -1 1/2
    0 1
    1 2
    2 4
  • CameraControl_Iris
    Specifies the camera's iris setting, in units of fstop * 10.

  • CameraControl_Focus
    Specifies the camera's focus setting, as the distance to the optimally focused target, in millimeters. The range and default value are specific to the device.


For a given property, a particular device might implement only a subset of the listed range.


DirectShow applications and DirectShow filters have different include file and link library requirements.

For more information, see Setting Up the Build Environment.

Pocket PC: Windows Mobile 5.0 and later
Smartphone: Windows Mobile 5.0 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 5.01 and later

See Also

DirectShow Enumerations | IAMCameraControl Interface

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