Communications, Networking, and Telephony Services

Windows CE 3.0 integrated complete network services to enabled devices to participate on a wide variety of networks with enhanced security. Windows CE networking and communications enables OEMs, and ISV to build great network enabled applications by providing standards-based protocols (TCP/IP, DHCP, PPP/SLIP etc.) and a rich set of application programming interfaces (Winsock 1.1, IP helper APIs, TAPI 2.0 etc.) on an open platform. Windows CE 3.0 also provides Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEMs) and Independent Hardware Vendors (IHVs) with the Network Driver Interface specification (NDIS) enabling additional network media to be supported more easily and providing a common network driver architecture between Windows NT, 9X and Windows CE. Windows CE 3.0 introduces more manageability options through its support for Simple Networking Management Protocol agent. In addition Windows CE 3.0 supports more configurable options enabling one to tune your connected device/application to the particular network of choice.

Computer communication/networking models are divided into layers. Applications comprise the top layer of the communication model. Communication hardware comprises the bottom layer of this model. Windows CE includes API methods for moving data between the application layer and the physical hardware layer.

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