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WebListBox Property.WebListBox Property

Publisher Developer ReferencePublisher Developer Reference

Returns the WebListBox object associated with the specified shape.



expression   A variable that represents a WebListBox Property object.

Return Value


This example creates a new Web list box and adds several items to it. Note that when initially created, a Web list box control contains three default items. This example includes a loop that deletes the default list box items before adding new items.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Dim shpNew As Shape
Dim wlbTemp As WebListBox
Dim intCount As Integer

Set shpNew = ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes _ .AddWebControl(Type:=pbWebControlListBox, Left:=100, _ Top:=150, Width:=300, Height:=72)

Set wlbTemp = shpNew.Web ListBox With wlbTemp .MultiSelect = msoFalse

With .ListBoxItems
    For intCount = 1 To .Count
        .Delete (1)
    Next intCount

    .AddItem Item:="Green"
    .AddItem Item:="Purple"
    .AddItem Item:="Red"
    .AddItem Item:="Black"
End With

End With

See Also